Center and Mains

I "feel " the need to apply more power to my front speakers. One because, I'm not using half of their capabilities (wattage) plus I'm hoping the added power will clean up / reveal those little hidden jewels within a recording / sound track. 
My question is can I add power and find those nuggets or should I forget the power and find the right processor?
front mains: Def-Tech 7000 Sc1000 watts
Center McIntosh XCS200 600 watts
Processor: Denon 4308CI
Amp: 7 Channel MC8207  
Another motivation, (putting it all out there) I have a 12.3 channel speakers setup in place ready to go, but without the amp channels or processor to push it all  - it would allow me to use the MC8207 to power all the surrounds nicely.
Sorry to say I cannot give you an answer because I have not heard any of your particular pieces of equipment, although they all seem very nice. I am however familiar with Mcintosh amps. I can only relate to my experience with my own equipment. I think that I was able to "clean up / reveal those little hidden jewels within a recording / sound track" each time I moved up the lines with different speakers first and then tried different amps to see how they affected the speakers. Also, it would probably help more to match all three front speakers and then work on the amplification. Hope this helps!

IMHO, the biggest problem is the extremely bad match between the center and main speakers. Having different brands absolutely ruins any chance of timbre match and then there is a 6db sensitivity difference between the Def-Techs and the McIntosh.

Sounds in the front may come from a single speaker, or they may be created with L&C or C&R speakers, and that is a problem with the mismatch.

Read this article, especially the last line.

Sounds in the front may come from a single speaker, or they may be created with L&C or C&R speakers, and that is a problem with the mismatch.
So the sensitivity would create a path of least resistance and push gain left or right? If I can’t change the speakers to match, can I amp up one or another to offset the effect? Maybe Bi or Tri-amp my center?
Having owned many Def-Tech speakers already, I really tried to go that way with my new center, but their centers available were not a match for the older 7000sc’s and considering the demand I was wanting ask of the center, it just wan’st going to cut it. I like the sound I have, even if it is sort of "hodgepodge".
I was watching "The Rewrite" last night and felt just "folded in" amongst a few of the tracks. I’m wanting to tweak / balance / squeeze my existing speaker system.
Side Surrounds:
Rear and Back Surrounds:
If you can't match LCR speakers you might set the menu of your processor to center speaker = none so the processor will generate a phantom center image.  I think that is better than a timbre mismatch.