Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?

Hey everyone, I am looking for some cheap tweaks, i just got done putting in a inner tube under my componets as an isolation device, and it works great. What else would you reccomend?..i am also thinking of an inner tube under the spkrs, with some sort of device to keep them stable. What do you think of Rf blockers..etc Please leave comments on your tweaks and how they turned out. i am looking forward to trying some. Thanks all
Not sure if this counts as a tweak...

one guideline I picked up off of the Web for speaker placement is the 1/nth rule

Place the speakers 1/nth the width of the room in from each side wall - where n=odd number i.e.1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9 etc...

So in a 12ft wide room 1/5=29" 1/7=20.5" etc...

It is not imperrative that have the Right Speaker set to the same ratio as the Left Speaker e.g. right=1/5 left=1/7 also works. As long as the ratio is odd

I have tried this a few times and it seems to get good results, you then may have to fiddle a little to get it spot on.

For Placement from the back wall - I read:
For rear ported speakers - at least 3ft
For front ported speakers Minimum 1 ft

In two rooms I have the speakers evenly spaced and in another room I have tried them at different distances both worked very well

Also I have found that with my speakers, I have to angle the speakers in such that their "point at which the sound converges" is about 2 ft behind my head i.e. when I look at the speakers from the listening position I can just see the inner sides of the cabinets.

All of the above is a guideline, since the design of the speaker can have many different effects on room accoustics

e.g. according to the Linn Rep, their latest speakers must be between 1-2 feet from the back wall and at least 3 ft in from each side wall with nothing between the speakers

quicksilver contact enhancer is great, much cleaner background and music i never heard before.

anyway anyone got experience with fuses replacement? any diffrent between slow and fast blow one? how to know if you equiptment take particular one?
If I might be so bold as to suggest that you replace those innertubes with Roller Block jr's under your components and spike your speakers. Here's hoping your speakers like higher resolution.
go to Home Depot and get those round forms used for pouring concrete columns. Place one in every corner. The 8" diameter form seems to work best (also come in 10" and 12"). They're four feet high and cost 5.95 each. If you want a fuller effect stack one on top of another so they reach the ceiling. Cover with the contac paper of your choice, cut out a top out of cardboard and place over the exposed end. You can also fill'em with cat litter or sand, but the cardboard is so dense I don't notice any appreciable difference. Caution: be prepared to fiddle with size vs placement. One corner might need 12", another 8". This is a good project for those of you who have no life whatsoever, but it will be worth the effort when you get it right.
go to Home Depot and get those round forms used for pouring concrete columns. Place one in every corner. The 8" diameter form seems to work best (also come in 10" and 12"). They're four feet high and cost 5.95 each. If you want a fuller effect stack one on top of another so they reach the ceiling. Cover with the contac paper of your choice, cut out a top out of cardboard and place over the exposed end. You can also fill'em with cat litter or sand, but the cardboard is so dense I don't notice any appreciable difference. Caution: be prepared to fiddle with size vs placement. One corner might need 12", another 8". This is a good project for those of you who have no life whatsoever, but it will be worth the effort when you get it right.