Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?

Hey everyone, I am looking for some cheap tweaks, i just got done putting in a inner tube under my componets as an isolation device, and it works great. What else would you reccomend?..i am also thinking of an inner tube under the spkrs, with some sort of device to keep them stable. What do you think of Rf blockers..etc Please leave comments on your tweaks and how they turned out. i am looking forward to trying some. Thanks all
Has nayone tried putting 2" thick maple blocks under components? Does this actually help?
Here goes my list:

1. Dedicated lines
2. A carpet or some kind of diffusion material on the wall behind the speaker. This trick will probably not work for Bose owners.
3.Tap on the top cover of components. If it rings metallically put heavy magazines or books on top or glue non ferrous metals to the top that are different than the top cover.
4.Carpet on the floor.
5. Clean connections
6. Get rid of cheap extension cords.
7. Turn off unused digital when using analog.

I am also interested in if the maple shelves work. Anybody have any feedback on that?
I believe you can cancel off unwanted resonance with shelves made of any materials as long as it is well made. Each material has a different mechanical vibration signature, and you just need to compact numerous materials together that has varied density and conduction properties such as Nuance and Symposium shelves. I place paper between my metal shelves and component with some dynamat under the shelves.
The best tweak that I ever ended up with was to fill the custom designed stands with river sand. Cost? FREE Difference? UNBELIEVABLE. You just cannot go wrong trying this tweak.

If you happen to be using any kind of mass loadable speaker stands like I do for my Paradigm Reference Studio 40 v.2, you MUST fill it up with sand. I designed and built the stands with a 6-1/2 inch dia center post of MS steel with bottom plate having spikes for mechanical decoupling from the ground.

I was under the impression that it would dampen the bass but I was wrong, it not only dampened the bass, it improved the sound of the system from 34Hz-20,000Hz (well to be precised it helped the entire spectrum of sound).

It may be the dirtiest work that you ever do to tweak, your system, but, I have no hesitation is saying that it would certainly be the most satisfying tweak.

Talk about cheap tweaks, there cannot be anything cheaper than this.

I don't know what speaker you have. If you can install Mi-Horn, Mi-Horn will give you a musical satisfaction. Also, if you have a sub-woofer, Mi-Horn will give you a good balance between powerful low bass and mid and high frequencies. Mi-Horn works best for a center channel speaker in home theater. The speaker with Mi-Horn will sound clearer and musical. If you have seen Burmester B99 (, you will see why Mi-Horn will sound great.

Mi-Horn guarantees 100% customer satisfaction.
lucky@.. What the H is a Mi-Horn?

I suggest you take any High-End beer, Heineken works OK, and use about one ounce to polish the speaker cabinets. Then, drink the rest, sit back, and enjoy!
get two large cotton balls and fix them behind your ears with some tape, so the angle between head and the ear pavilion will increase. As a cheper alternative, put your hands in extension to the ear pavilions. with both methods you'll experience deeper bass, increased dynamics and so on...
Check out "stones and balls" in the tweaks forum at Audio Asylum....these "superballs" are the tweaks I'm keeping....the best isolation I've tried, cheap but seriously good....
I haven't slogged through all of this advice so forgive me (please) if I am repeating someone. I was looking at the mapleshade catalog and saw something like tepee's supporting cables, to get them off the floor. They wanted too much money but I spent a few bucks on dowels and wood glue, used up a few old rubberbands and made my own tepee's.
Total investment: under $10.00, and four hours of time (not all at once either).
Result: added clarity.
Worthwhile endevor? Yes!
For those of you who have floated the ground for all of your components, re-connect the ground for the pre-amp only.

This was recommended by a friend numerous times.

In my case, I noticed a definite improvement in resolution and decay as well as an overall silkier presentation.

ERS sheets from Stillpoints.USA or from I've just started using these sheets. In my system they are a keeper. Check out the mini review at'll be hearing more about these things....
Dan Wright is Right! And yes, the sheets are grey cloth with bits of "other materials, perhaps mysterious metals?" embedded in them. You can easily cut them but I'm not using them inside any equipment. I believe they're conductive. They redirect, absorb and diffuse EMF/RFI frequencies. My sound system can't be picked up on radar....he,he. I have the "old" sheets that were $10.00US. The new sheets are selling for 19.95 I believe, but have an adhesive backing...everything is better, more detail, the image seems slightly taller, IMSystem, and comes forward into the room easier. Bass has impact, putting energy into the air that I can feel at my feet while seting on the couch 12 feet away.The manner of the music is simply easy, relaxing until some bass or drums happen. Transient speed has been very potent. For 20.00 bucks US this is a no brainer.Now this is in an all SS sytem with newforms. YMMV
I saw those sheets in a store a few months ago. The guy told me he helped develop them (along with every other technological advance of the 20th century). He was full of something...
He was suggesting thier use inside equipment. Does anyone have experience with using them inside??? Since the salesman I talked had so badly damaged his own credibility I did not really listen to his continued rambling. His being crazy does not change the possible effectiveness the these sheets though.
WHere are you buying these sheets?
Hi, Nrchy. I live in Nova Scotia and ordered mine from Took only a week to Canada...e-mail and ask for Paul. He will answer all your questions, great guy, excellent service. He is very impressed with what these sheets can do. For $20US a sheet[you can cut them] it's quite a eye and ear opener....have fun and keep us informed....cheers,
If you smile a little when listening, it sounds better. Just kidding, but seriously, I love to listen lying down - especially after a shower, with my favorite cup of tea. Somehow, this position aids in percieving beauty. You should try it... and as the saying goes, beauty is in the mind of the beholder.
Also, I heard that our brain gets used to a system - part of explaination for how one person can think well of a system another person dislikes. So, if you are not happy with your current system, you might try listening to it for a couple of weeks, and see if you can get used to it. Not to say that there really *are* better sounding gears out there.
Also I like to mix cables. I tried Radio Shack catalog 5e wires, and I liked the clear sound it gave, but missed some quality of monster wire. When I combined them, they gave me the best of both cables. You might try mixing the solid copper cables, with strands to get the best of both wolrds.
I would recommend getting into classical music. I like all music, but the classical musicians offer the best quality in tone. Their refined sound warms my heart, and re-vitalizes me after a hard days work. You've heard of the Mozart effect. Especially recommended to developing kids - supposed to enhance intellectual activity.

I am doing almost exactly what you are doing. I've recently switched back to my ancient pair of Monster Reference 2 interconnects. And, I cut the ends off my USB cord to make a pair of CAT5 speaker cables. The results are phenomenal.
I'm not going to read this whole 2 year old thread but can offer the best tweak I've ever had. Bought a used copy of the original 'Rolling Stone Record Guide' (1979) off of Ebay recently. I had this book when it was new but misplaced it over the years. The guide and a good source for vinyl are the absolute best tweak ever.
I recently put my floor standers w/spikes on concrete pavers ($1.99 ea.) in my system made a difference of a two level upgrade.
hockey pucks! get a marble slab a little wider then your speakers, mount that on 4 pucks, and then put spiked or non spiked speaker on top. Also put them under the electronics feet. They really control resonance. paint one or two of them silver or gold enamel and place them on top of equipment and tell people there chakra stones!
What in the world is a two level upgrade? Is this an order of magnitude thing? From $200 speakers to $2000 to $20000 ? What are these levels?
I'm curious as to whether anyone else has tried this. I recently opened up my BAT vk-d5 cdp and placed a Mapleshade small heavy hat directly on top of the transport. There's enough clearance for the small hat to sit there to allow you to put the cover back on. I noticed a much punchier bass, better clarity, focus, and an overall tightness that only comes with much more expensive tweaks. If your cdp allows for this, try it. Just be careful moving the cdp around so the heavy hat doesn't slide off and break the tubes or other parts.
For the tightest bass, drive self drilling screws directly into the sub-floor (through the carpet), and rest your speaker spikes on the screw heads. You will need to pick screws with a wide nut type head, otherwise it is "very" difficult to line up the spikes with the screws (I did it once on philips heads, but it took some work, now I have a hex type head screw which makes it a little easier). When you move speakers that have been sitting on carpeting, you will see the marks left by the spikes (on most carpets anyway...)which makes it easy to position the screws.
Level the screws (rest a flat ruller on the screw heads between front screws and level, repeat for rear screws, check rear to front). Place speaker and adjust spikes for correct level (I like mine slightly tipped up in the front).
It seems like a lot of work and you must not care for the sub-floor under the carpet but man, you will end up with the tightest, most tunefull bass your speakers are capable of. This also helps with imaging as the speaker is better anchored. It is a big improvement in my experience. Just make sure you have settled on the final location for your speakers before you do this...
"Disclamer: not liable for any damage to floor or fights with significant other as a result of this tweak!"
Take some time away from tweaking your system! This the ultimate tweak because it calls on you to deal with your music directly-1:1 time. Questioning whether this Music sound better having done this and that- and then that and more, really seems to pale compared to questioning whether you really like this music you have worked so hard to improve. Is this music worthy of a boombox,discman, or bad accustics, or whatever desperate lengths you just might go to just to be able to hear it one more time? Also, time away from such nagging analysis allows your ears time to hear your system in the raw & therefore the possibility of that enhanced clarity that will truly allow you to assess the strenths and weaknesses of your system and the various values of your musical preferences. So, my suggested tweak- give yourself a break!
The "cheaper" the unit, the better the tweak "sounds". (Mine are cheap)
These are some of the tweaks that I recommend so far to my friends:
vibration damping: place bike's pneumatic bladders(I think this is the name), softly inflated, under the component, and books or other similar on the top of them. It looks horrible but: no "congestion", better dynamics, more integration.

Put ERS sheets ( over the power section of your components. Internally works better. Takes away lots of noise. It can take away dynamics if used on amp section.

Instal IEC receptor and try some power cords if your component has "captive" PC. Very effective.

I'm waiting for Bybee's purifiers to arrive. That is supposed to be the supreme tweak!

Tweaks can cool down your fever to upgrade.
The supreme tweak: Bybees purifiers!
I put one on each positive speake cable lead and totally
transformed de sound! read the reviews. They are absolutelly wright! It sounds like if the speakers became more sensitive and represented a smaller load to the amp. But more: integration of transducers as if the crossovers were upgraded; easyness to the sound; attacks are fast and decays are "real"; top to bottom coherence; detail, detail; it's easy to follow the musical lines...etc.

If you want to upgrade speakers you'll have to spend twice as much as you paid for yours to hear an improuvement. It's much cheaper to install Bybees! And you still can keep them when you finally upgrade.

I don't know if they can be called "tweak" o "cheap". They are expensive in absolute terms but when you hear the effect they produce you will soon forget the price paid (but if you know of a sale, call me). And they are said to be additive(and addictive) in effect.
could uyou please let me know were to buy Bybees. Ineed to get them sent to ireland and my cablrs are triwired so how many would you recomend excuse the typing im new to this computer world. thank you
(1) Upgrade your wall outlet - Audio grade duplex by FURUTECH (gold plated) 125V/20A retails for $80 but you can get the 125V/15A version from Chris Venhaus' website for $40. While you are at it replace the retaining screws with stainless steel ones.

(2) Clean up oxidation on connectors (AC plugs, RCAs, Phone Jacks, speaker leads/spades, power leads, etc) using a solution such as Craig Gold G5 then apply Mapleshade's Silclear - per the instructions!! Amazing audio and/or video

(3) Use Powerwraps for fixed power cords.

(4) Use Nordost 3ECO Static Inhibitor on all ac cords, interconnects, and speaker wires. Also improved sonic results if you wipe down the components themselves but some parts may appear to have a sheen. Need to be refreshed at least every 3 months.

(5) For CDs try spraying with OPTRIX for improved clarity.

There are of course many other tweaks but these are cheap, very audible (golden ears not required), and component independent.

Great thread ... have fun.
Still the Best Tweak...yet out of production...and getting rarer on the used the "Tice Clock"...I'd be willing to part with mine, but it would be Very expensive! Merry Christmas to all my Audio friends. Enjoy a safe and musical holiday season.
Best recommendation of all:
When you are listening to music, listen to the music, not your systems' performance. Constantly judging the sonics is a really bad trap to fall into.
I suggest you only play with judging the sonics on a specific day of the week, or month. And do not mix listening for pleasure, with listening for performance.
You can be happy and love your system and what it does a whole lot more doing this simple thing.
Happy Holidays!!!
Audio guy,

Where to get the products you mentioned?

I like to exercise b4 listening to music - puts me in a healthy strong good receptive mood - I feel good for having done it, and the good feeling carries into listening - especially after a shower.

This process both the exercise and a shower improves our circulation, which could explain the improvement in enjoyment. We all need help in circulation each day after our prime : it slows down 10% every decade after 20 something.

I feel optimistic and yung again after doin it. When we are tired or lacking sleep, our ears are sensitive and music feels different.

The sound of good tight deeply satisfying bass gives me energy, and lifts me up. I feel healthier after it.

A good sub adds something to our system.

I like the monitor audio sub, and this cheap sony sa-wm200 ($79 at It is not refined but the amp section has reverb built in - and sounds unlike any other sub I heard.

On low volumes, it adds mesmetising warmth to a bookshelf (I like small 5 incher with a sub - clearer better mid). Athena AS-B1 ($179 pair) with the sony sounds so good.

I like the three piece setup - small 2 way speaker with a sub. (2 ways sound better than 3) Because the bass is far away, the mids and the highs can really shine clearly.

Try to combine pleasures what ever they may be 4u - your favorite tea with music, surfing the net, good conversation and company, looking at art pictures, reading, etc. That is the good thing about music - Yoc u can enjoy it while doing something else.

Auric Illuminator...unbelievable, all the money on cables and power conditioning and this made as much of a difference for much less than $100 and absolute must!!!
Several years ago I was looking for a solution to vibrative feedback I was getting on my turntable. After moving into town, I visited a local high-end shop and the chap sent me home with two makes to test out. One he boasted was "made of the same rubber used on the spaceshuttle", and they where both in excess of $150 Cdn (for four dampeners), this was almost 10 years ago. After testing both, I was in a shopping mall the next day and happened to notice these little felt pads with the adhesive side for couch and chair legs. I thought, why not!? I bought a package of 12 circular pads (approx. 2" in diameter) for $1 dollar, and made four neat little cushions. After testing them to my surprise they outperformed the "space-age" dampeners by over 20%.
clean wall outlet connections with end of pipe cleaner moderately wettened (not soaking wet) w/ Pro Gold or similar...
Connecting 2 amps by RCA "Tape out" to another amp's "Tape in" gives you 4 good channels (instead of unsatisfying powers of most surround receivers).

You can position the speakers in many ways.
1) All in the front - wide soundstage
2) Front and back for surround effect
3) speakers back to back - one set firing backwards for deep soundstage

We all have extra amps and speakers from upgrading - put them to a good use. This will improve most speakers.
To answer Gonglee3's request:

(1) Audio grade duplex electrical outlet by FURUTECH (gold plated) 125V/15A ... Chris Venhaus' website ...

(2a) For cleaned connectors/leads use Mapleshade's Silclear
(2b) For improved CD Playback/Recording use Mapleshade's Mikro-smooth (step#2 in preparing a CD) ...

(3) Flitz Metal Polish(not for gold or thin plated surfaces), Craig Gold G5; OPTRIX; Nordost 3ECO Static Inhibitor; Highwire Powerwraps ... Music Direct ...

Other suggestions:
(1) Cardas RCA Caps
(2) Vibrapods (against component body not under rubber feet)
(3) Monster HTS 2000 Powerline conditioner
(4) Dakiom Audio Feedback Stabilizers (at
(5) Herbie's Audio Lab CD Mat
!) Exercise for at least 30 minutes and prior to a serious listening session and 2) Caig's ProGold G5 on all contacts. 3) Also, if your into vinyl Record Research cleaning products.
I had a problem with the squawker horn in my Khorns being too shrill. The lower frequencies were great, but the frequencies above 2000Hz were 15 to 20dB above normal. Biamping or volume adjustments of the squawker would not solve the problem, because the difference between the low and highs of the squawker would still be too much. The cheap tweak was to put a blanket over the squawker horn. The density of the blanket blocks out the higher frequencies while allowing the lower frequencies to pass on through. Experimentation is required to get the blanket with the right density. I could not believe the positive effect of this simple tweak. This negates the need for expensive wall treatments such as sound diffusers and absorbers
After about 2 hours of fresh air, I feel like I've been tranported to a dream land. Doctors recommend this daily dosage as well. Music is more beautiful when you are feeling good and healthy. AS a song reminds us, " ... the answere lies in the wind, my friend..."

2- 18 in quarry tiles- Home depot
10 #27 rubber o-rings- Home Depot
1- 12 in childs bicycle inner tube- Wal Mart

Arrange the rings in any pattern you please on your shelf, then place the first tile on it. Inflate the innertube to firm but not absolutely stiff, center in the middle of the tile and place tile #2 on it.

Center tt on tile #2. Play bass heavy music and marvel !!! I was convinced I needed a new stylus (B&O MMC5). This saved me the Mega $$$$$ it would take to pack up the TT and ship it to the B&O store in Dallas for replacement and installation.

total cost - 15 dollars

Happy Listening
Just one Jena Labs cryo-treated 20amp IEC connector on the amp end of my Foundation Research LC-2 in-line power conditioner provided fascinating improvements at both the micro- and macro-dynamic levels.

I read some good things about various cd mats. Marigo Labs has just brought out a new version of their mat so I gave it a try.
I have been using it for a week and I am amazed that a $90 cd mat with some holes cut out in it (I have no technical expertise)can make such a huge difference in the quality of sound I am hearing.
I liked my system very much before the mat arrived. However, the improvements have been striking.The music has lost whatever edginess there was, the sound is richer,fuller and warmer, each instrument is better defined and more realistic. If I close my eyes I would say that jazz vocalists are in the room singing to me.

Move forward your listening seat.

Mine is a large upholstered sofa bearing on rear wall. There was in my listening room this consistent mid-bass "bump". Radio Shack SLM said +14 dBs around 100 Hz. Tried EQ, port plugging, speaker relocation on floor, new interconnects, lowering speakers close to floor, elevating speakers away from floor, moving speakers away from back wall, side walls, flushing my ears, cutting short my fingernails, eating cayenne pepper and many more things just don't recall.

BUT, when my listening seat was move forward just 5 INCHES !! the mid-bass hump disappeared. Couldn't believe it!!. Pulled back the seat against wall, hump returned. To this day have no explanation for this thing. But listening has been nice since then.


PS Know no cheaper tweak.
Train you dog to turn the record to the other side. Only costs about a dozen treats.