Chopin nocturnes

I am looking for suggestions for CD recordings of Chopin's nocturnes. I prefer impeccable sonics coupled with a spectacular performance with a lot of emotion. While I'm at it, I might as well ask for other Chopin recordings that you think are particularly outstanding.

Thanks in advance,

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Moravec on Chopin is definetly worth checking out. Just got in Mozart PC #20+23 Moravec/Marriner, the performance is stunning. Moravec performs on Mozart just as Rushton describes. Each note is heard distinctly, with poetic feeling, without doubt the best Mozart. I have other Mozart/Moravec on the way.
Heard some Chopin/Moravec, much more prefer Ashkanazy. Goes for the preludes as well.
Thanks for all who've given your input! It looks like there are a number of good choices, and based on your feedback I think I'll start with Moravec.

Any other suggestions for Chopin's works (perhaps some of the etudes or preludes)?

Try the Ballades and the Mazurkas. If you like the Moravec Nocturnes, stay with Moravec for the Mazurkas and Ballades. On CD, Vox offers a very economical 2-CD set that will also introduce you to the marvels of Moravec's Debussy:

Supraphon offers a nice set of Chopin Preludes performed by Moravec:

For the Chopin Waltzes, try Rubinstein's performances.
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