CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
Fair enough, noromance. I have a DR-25 I bought new and two used DR-9s purchased recently from different sellers with the intention of running them dual bridged mono. One was fitted with a refurb kit from Classe’ a couple years ago, the other bone-stock original.

I know exactly what you mean about the DR-25 and the untouched DR-9 lacking the last degree of openness and lively sound. This other DR-9 with the refurb kit is another animal. Extremely open, fast, and lively and superbly musical. Among the best I have heard. Go figure...

Best to you noromance,
Just found this resurrected thread and thought a good opportunity to ask if any of you have experience with the Classe CT-2300. A couple years back I bought this amp and matching CT-SSP pre/pro, found used on audiogon and built before they moved manufacturing to China.

It is my understanding this is a true balanced design amplifier and I am using 2.5 meter balanced silver anti-cable interconnects. I did try single ended silver anti-cables and found them inferior. I have been making many changes mostly power cords and outlets and my system is sounding very good!

To dlcockrum
Hello from France. As an owner of two classes DR9 , can you give the mods that have been made on one of your amp. Thanks
Hi Gilles,

The guy I bought that amp from said that he had the Classe' refurb kit (bought directly from Classe' Audio) installed. Best I can tell from visually examining this amp vs the other two "originals", the refurb kit consists of new large power caps and all new power transistors. The "refurb" power transistors have Motorola vendor markings on them whereas the originals did not (it was intentionally removed by Classe' on the originals).

Hope this helps.

Well after laughing for the last 15 minutes reading threads from 15 years ago I have to chime in for more comments to come for the next 15 years to come.
1. I use to sell Classe Audio in the 80's,never heard a bad one.( and that's a lot of them )
2. They sound dark,not what so ever.Find the right speakers and cables.
3. I still own a pair of DR-9 ( used as mono blocks ) and a DR-6 preamp.
4. My soundstage is wide and DEEEP and very stable.
5. DR-9 used as Mono blocks sound better than a stereo amp mode.
6. You can buy DR-9 for less than a $1,000.00 what a steal.
 So my amps are 30 years old and still kicking hard ,what do people want more than that.Clear, powerful and sweet products.