CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
I have been through a spectrum of audio equipment and have found myself going back to the Classe products. As "audiophiles", we possess that "critical ear". We all have our taste in sound as well as everything else. I think the reason Classe is the focal audio "victim", for lack of a better word, is because of the price of their units Vs the quality they produce. Look at the units and how they are made. They are a top notch company and are belittled by audio snobs because they've spent a "gazillion" dollars on their system. There are cables the price of high end power amps for heavens sake. Does price make a product better? I think not! Long live Classe for its price performance ratio.
The original question included only negative comments about Classe so I can only assume the person inquiring has already made up his mind but....

I think Classe makes outstanding amps. I've owned three over the past few years. In my opinion, Classe offers world class gear at reasonable prices and they compete right up there with the best of them. My 2 cents worth.
I have used a pair of Classe CAM 350 monoblocks for about a year. They are as good as any amps I have ever used, provide an enormous amount of power at a very reasonable price, can be lifted by one person, and outperform some highly respected amps that cost twice as much and weigh twice as much. But that may not be enough for some people. Oh well....
Ditto for a pair of CA-400 I have. No complaints here!
I have heard of Krell bashing, but Classe bashing..... ? This is new!
In response to 'Pops', it sounds like you are venting anger at Martin Collom's review, rather than basing this on facts. I don't see what you are basing your belief on that he "reviewed this as out of punishment". He has certainly proven himself to be an articulate and serious reviewer. Further, Bob Reina's review in Dec. 1997 of the CA-100, while positive at the price point, did indicate a number of sonic flaws as well. No, I don't base my decisions on Stereophile reviews, but I do think taking the totality of all opinions sheds some light on the overall sonic of a piece.