Classe vs mcintosh

Looking for comments on the Classe 200 watt 2 channel amp (CA2200) as opposed to the mcintosh 252 or 402. I have heard that classe is cleaner, more accurrate etc. However, looking at the specs its hard to see how anything could be cleaner or more accurrate than the 0.005% THD of the mac amps. I know the CA2200 is spec'd at .003% THD at 8 ohms and .005% TDH at 4 ohms but that .002% difference at 8 ohms is so small as to be without a distinction. Listening to the Classe it just seemed boring and lacking compared to the mac amps ( with no tubes in the system ). Both amps driving B&W speakers.
The problem is the speakers. They just do not sound that good to begin with. Try tube amps and preamps. McIntosh.
i agree with polk432. it isn't the amps. you also need to compare like amps. you are stating that you compared the 200 watt classe with the 252 and 402 mac. i didn't like the 252, no power, but if you compare the classe to a much larger amp, you are not comparing apples to apples. get a hold of a ca-401 or the classe cam-350 or ca-400 mono's and you might change your tune. remember it doesn't matter if you listen to the speakers at a low or high volume, an amp with much more power will better control the speakers at all volumes better than a lass powerful amp.
"The problem is the speakers"

Geee..... I have 802D driven by pair of Spectron Musician III SE and I am in heaven... not only that I never auditioned a better sound anywhere.

Its NOT speakers - its the amps!!!! If you read last year (July issue) article in Stereophile on meaning difficult to drive speakers - the author choose as the example B&W and show how its phase changes enourmosly and how it is difficlut to control them.

I listed (and owned) Classe, Macs and whathave you incduling $30k Plinius Reference -M and none of them can be compared with Spectron, I agree fully with Nick778

All The Best

Rafael - Thanks for stepping up to the plate dude!

I have B&W 703 speakers and although they are not as high end as many in the froum they are nice for me and what I could afford as I got a screaming deal on them brand new.

As for the Amp debate I grew up with McIntosh as my dad had their gear and but I will listen to both and many others on my next amp purchase. This time it was what I know.

