Classic rock: best remasters

For rock fans just curious what remasters, recent or otherwise, were a quantum leap over the original vinyl or compact disc release. On the flip side, any original CD releases that are still competitive? Not interested in imports, SACD, etc. Thanks rockers!
The Audio Fidelity (AFZLP 112) vinyl remaster of Ten Year's After's A Space in Time is simply stunning. Looks to be sold out everywhere, but I cannot recommend more highly that you try to find a copy.
Also...not interested in premium Mofi, etc releases...standard domestic release that the was an upgrade.For instance, Aqualung 40th remix/remaster.
According to the official dynamic range data base a great deal of the reissues of classic rock recordings are aggressively compressed.
I have been moving from remasters back to originals. I'm referring mostly to the Genesis catalogue. Their "Definitive Edition Remasters" are no where near as good as the originals in my opinion. The questions is, how does one know which release is best? You have Japanese, Canadian, etc., along with different years. Anyone have any thoughts?