Classic rock: best remasters

For rock fans just curious what remasters, recent or otherwise, were a quantum leap over the original vinyl or compact disc release. On the flip side, any original CD releases that are still competitive? Not interested in imports, SACD, etc. Thanks rockers!
"01-27-15: Phasecorrect
I find it oddly amusing there is a resurgence back to first generation CD releases...anybody remember the audiophile community short...not good. Now granted, some of these are youngsters who grew up on MP3, never heard vinyl, and ate being sold on something "uncompressed."However, as others have stated, compression is only one small part of the spectrum."

I don't think you're comparing the same thing. The first all digital recordings back in the 80's (DDD), were the ones that usually sound bad. CD's from the 80's that were analog recordings (AAD), sound pretty good. I remember the industry pushing DDD. There used to be comparisons and disclosures actually printed in the artwork/covers.
Zd, you have a point. I always use Jeff Beck as an example of good SQ in the CD era. During the 80s and 90s, he recorded in AAD or ADD. Then in the 2000s, his digital releases were as loud and compressed as the rest of the industry. It may have been out of his control by then.
True...DDD were horrid...but even early AAD releases tend to have a rather "washed out" grainy sound with noticeable tape hiss...even so called audiophile releases...Just my thoughts in a highly subjective right or wrong answers...
Very true, Phasecorrect. And add to that the CDs that were released with the wrong mastering specs.
Eventually corrected and released but i wonder how long the consumer thought this was the new SOTA.