Coincident Total Victory owners

I am thinking about buying a pair of TV speakers and would like the opinions from those that have or have had these speakers in their system. What is your likes and dislikes about these speakers? I have Tenor 15wi monoblock amps and a 47 Labs flatfish and progression DAC. Thanks.
I have owned the TV's for 6 months and
quite happy with the sound. There is someone
on audiogon with the tenor/TV combination.
I believe anyone looking at a speaker in this
price range should at least audition these speakers.

my system;Bat 150se/TV/Audio Aero CD MKII
I have the TV's with the Tenor 15wi monoblocks. The Tenor and TV have a great synergy. With just 15 watts of power the Tenor amps drive them easily.
I have been interested in the TV. But the one thing I have a problem with is that they do not come with grill covers. Seems like a small thing to ask for. Without them the W.A.F. Is out the door. As good looking as they are when not in use they could blend in so much better with grill covers. Oh well cant have everything I guess
you guys should hear the TV (or TE) driven by the Wyetech Topaz 572 SET amp or the ASL Hurricanes...
I owned the hurricanes with the TV.
They had good bass, but compared to my
Bat 150se's fell behind in every other
aspect. I've been very confused about HP's
reveiw. Maybe my pair was not a good example
of the hurricanes.