Coltrane's A Love Supreme and Davis's Kind of Blue

I love these two classic "albums". I was hoping someone could give me five or six other, well recorded, must have classic jazz albums (musicians) that I should have in my collection. I am spoiled and would want them to be relatively well recorded.
John Coltrane--Crescent; Dexter Gordon--Our Man in Paris; and from the guy who in my opinion is the most underrated jazz player of the last 60 years, James Moody--Last Train From Overbrook
"Masada" by John Zorn. Awesome all around, with sonics to "die for". Soaring, lyrical, and heartfelt. It will blow you away!
Given what you already like, I'd recommend:

Ornette Coleman - The Shape of Jazz to Come
Charles Mingus - Three or Four Shades of Blue
Michel LeGrand - LeGrand Jazz
Check out stuff that falls under the category "Hard Bop". I think that will get you where you want to go. (lots of good suggestions in the above, however).
You asked which Mingus,

Well Mingus Mingus Mingus
the Black Saint & Lady Killer are my 2 favorites. Love them above & beyond & sound quality is amazing. I rate all my LPs and few get the Amazing and these did.