componet/cable burn-in

I understand the changes involved with component burn-in but wonder why it is not possible to purchase a component and especially a set of cables that are already to perform right out of the box? I'm running in a cd player right now for a week day and night. It's a cheap one so I can understand that the manufacturer can't afford to do this but with the prices for the cables on the market, what's the excuse? This burns me in!
Burn-in is half physical, half psycho-acoustical. Over time, your ears grow acustomed to a particular sound and establishes it as the current "reference." I've found most physical burn-in for electronics (not speakers) is accomplished in the first few hours of use. -Ed
With respect to cables, my understanding is that the coiling/uncoiling process makes it necessary to re-form the dielectric. Dekay noticed this recently with a set of cables that had already seen extensive use- after shipping they needed to be burned in again.
Rhljazz: There's a really, really simple solution to your problem. Just stop believing this nonsense about break-in, and everything will suddenly be ready-to-go right out of the box!