Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
I will also add, you are saying that a profound power cable has the same audio performance as the stock power cord that comes with a componet, there is no difference to me with what you are saying compaired to this statement here, cables make a differnce, you can believe what you want to, good luck on your future endeavors.
Dbphd, yes hat happened at times to me also. In addition many SACDs
would not rip using XLD so they could not be part of my computer front
end. Lastly, I preferred the sound of WAV files over AIFF, but the
conversion was a hassle and you lose all the album art etc... Yikes!
Wow, Steve, those Antipodes Audio products are nice! For a buy it ans use it product I doubt one could do better. Thanks for heads-up!

08-02-14: Audioengr
If you are not computer literate or don't want to take the time and effort to optimize a computer, just get one of the superb servers from Antipodes audio in New Zealand. Best sounding server you can buy IME. Then add your favorite USB DAC or a USB converter and ANY DAC.
Very interesting product.

Steve, have you compare it to a Bryston BDP-2? Do you know if it buffers data in RAM before play?
It could depend on your age. At mine(64), I'm done with changing over systems. I have a CD collection of somewhere around 7,000-8,000, and I ain't ripping them into a damn computer! I still have my LP collection too, numbering around 4,000 or so. I'm not ripping them either! I'm perfectly content with LP's and CD's---I'll spend the rest of the time I have left listening to the music on them, thank you very much.