
What artist or music do you like, that generally you won't play around your wife or friends/family, because you may fear mockery, or not enjoy it, out of being misunderstood, because they don't/wont "get it"

sorry for the wrong use of quotation marks.

Be brave and tell..

OR.... maybe it's just me, and I'm too self conscience.

Here's one of mine.

Antonio Carlos Jobim

I think he was great,my wife looked at me like I'm nuts and was starting to like elevator muzak.

Jobim's great, especialy his TIDE album.

Anyone else? Please tell!
I've found that nothing clears out a room faster than Albert Ayler's "Live in Greenwich Village" LP. My wife runs screaming from the room when this one goes on. I have had few takers but that doesn't dampen my love for this music one bit.
This evening, I listened to Simple Red's "Stars" album and thought it was well-recorded. I'm not admitting to being a fan though. Have only listened to the disc about 6 times in 15 years but just put it on today (the Transporter makes it easy to listen to stuff you never listen to) for something easy after work and thought it sounded quite good. The best I'd ever heard it. My latest system made the difference on that.

As an aside have you had that happen? That is, listen to a disc you never particularly liked on your latest system and find a good synergy that made you re-assess the disc. I've had that happen a few times since I put together my latest system.
Liz and her kids and even my friends have finished laughing at me years ago as they now know I listen to some music for its lyrics, some for its musical power and some for its recorded quality. It took a few explanations to get everyone to understand and I bet they still may laugh and mock me in secret but I do think they get me. Actually I feel more inclined to explain some of my pop music to my audio buds way before the casual listener, audiophiles are just as guilty of judgement when it comes to mass market music...........but if Bob Dylan made most any song it would have instant cred, go figure.
I like your post Chadnliz,
what you said is true of me too. Different music has it different enjoyment factors and you may not like aspects of it, like the lyrics say, but the power of the musics wonderful,and so on and so forth,Yes,well put.