Congested sound - more power or resolution?

My sound has improved markedly with the upgrades I have done. One part of my music collection still isn't right though. Previously at higher SPLs all music got bad slap echo and bright, room treatment has sorted that out.

Now with some tracks mainly rock with guitars especially, the sound gets congested, image is lost and it gets grungy. Have I met the limits of my room, or with more power would I have better control of my speakers under a lot of stress? Or would a better quality spinner give more improvement through better resolution in the first place?

My system in in my signature, but breifly Arcam DV27, Meridian 861, Krell Showcase amp, Wilson Sophia.

Both player and power amps will get upgraded, I'm just trying to prioritise my budget.
Try auditioning a better CDP. Slurring in dense R&R RBCD is pretty common in midrange digital front ends.
Stehno, I overall agree with the theory, however some components are built far beyond others power supplies and do not exhibit anywhere near the problems of some components regardless of cost in comparison to A/C coming in. Some have even extensive stages of line conditioning built in and can only be harmed by more filters in front of them. Not saying it is the case here or all the time, but always experiment.. Of course Dedicated very clean stable voltage A/C lines are Un-arguably a step in the right direction, but not necessarily all these Re-creation and or conditioning products.
Onhwy61 - I'll revisit some tracks and post.

Matrix - I have tried moving the speakers around a lot as per WASP, but it only seems to happen on tracks with say >6 instruments at high SPLs. I'll try again when the Wilson's are repaired.

Stehno - thanks for your comprehensive reply! My experience with power conditioners is "zip" - I'd love to audition some units - which would you recommend? And can they provide units capable of UK voltage / frequency?

DGarrettson - certainly the Meridian 800 is on my shopping list - obviously well matched with my 861 - I'm thinking of holding off until they decide which way to jump on bluray/hdef-dvd, but an older model should easily upgrade.

Thank you all for your advice.
Matrix, yes, there are some (actually very few) components built far beyond other's power supplies as you stated. In fact, though there are a few out there, I only know one by name and model and that is the APL modified NWO-1 Esoteric ucdp. But even that unit may not contain much in the way of correction.

On the other hand, it does not appear that you or I have any such components in our inventory. If that is true, then AC noise is definitely a problem we must contend with if we hope for a pristine, musical presentation that also does not induce negative sibilance (when it's not in the recording itself).

And though dedicated circuits/lines are also a necessity, they exactly two things that I am aware of:

1. Help ensure that power supplies, particularly amplifier's, receive the nessarity juice to reproduce more fully reproduce dynamic and/or complex passages.

2. Minimize or eliminate AC noise that is generated within the house such as dimmers, appliances, etc..

But dedicated circuits/lines do nothing to cleanse the AC noise coming in from the street. That is why 99.5% of us are in desparate need of 'proper' line conditioning.

And that is why I made my suggestion to you in my earlier post regarding 'proper' line conditioning.

While this post is very old - there is always useful information to individuals searching for similar information.

The OPs post about congestion at higher volumes is not uncommon. In this case, I think the cause is one or more of several problems or issues:

1: The room can just become over saturated with snund. There is a limit that any room size can handle in terms of sound volume. Improving the accoustics of the room can address this, but it only increases the volume a room can handle.

2: The CD player, as the OP questioned can certainly be contributing to this problem (as can any component, but in this systems case, I think the cdp is a good starting point with equipment). I once owned a AA capitole that did not present this problem, but sent it in to be serviced and upgraded. Bought a AA Prima for interim use, thinking I would get 80% of the Capitole. The prima could not play large scale recording without becoming congested, more noticeable as volume increased. This went away with a better cdp.

3: Vibration control of components, speakers, et al. As sound volume and levels increase, everything in the room is subjected to more vibration and this notably start to break down the soundstage quickly. The Sophia come with spikes, yet many don't use them. Components don't typically come with good grounding/vibration devices (excepting some, ie. esoteric, etc. . .).

4: The Krell amp, while much less likely than the cdp could be a partial cause. The Showcase Series is by no means their best series; however, I am not saying this with any degree of certainty.

5: Power supply - dedicated lines, "proper" power conditioning, etc. . . can definately play a role. My concern here is that th OP reports this problem with only specific types of music. The same anomoly should occur with moderate scale but dynamic music as well if the problem is purely power quality related, IMO.

This same phenoma occurs at rock concerts when they have the gain turned up too high or the soun is just too loud. Contrary to what Spinal Tap says, 11 may not be better!

To find out how real the problem is in terms of the quality of the media, go out a buy a good Chesky records test CD that is known to be well recorded and should not fall apart or congest at high volumes. This will help id whether it is the recordings or the other causes.

As an FYI, this past week I had a $9300 preamp in my system that I was testing/considering. I encountered the same problem when I turned the volume up past my regular "loud" listening levels. I can't say whether it was my amps power (which I am in the process of replacing), my room or the preamp. Speakers were also Wilson (W/P in this case). I have owned Wilson speakers (5 pair) over the past few years. I know it wasn't the speakers from familiarity with use in prior equipment settings.

So in the end, one cannot answer such a question with 100% accuracy, but only point out the most likely scenarios which may require more than one step or change. Personally, my suggestion is to start with the cheapest corrections first - in this case the recording. Followed by the speaker placement/set-up. Listen in a nearfield environment and see if this addresses the problem (as it takes away much of the rooms interaction on what is heard). The go to vibration controls, then start replacing components or listen at slightly lower volumes?