Congratulations to Marco

Has anyone seen the full-page birthday card to Paul Klipsch in the most recent Stereophile (p. 59) or AudioXpress (first inside page)? It's not an ad from the company, but a 100-year birthday memorial placed by PK's loving wife. The graphic design is by our own Marco Prozzo (Jax2), and I want to compliment him on an excellent job!

It will be included in the upcoming edition of TAS as well. I think the AudioXpress presentation is nicer than the Stereophile one, because it appears next to a less "busy" page. Cheers Marco!
Hey, thank you very much Peter and all!! I'd like to thank the Academy as well for, oh,.......ah...

Seriously, a big thanks for the words of support from all of you. And a very special thanks to my good friend Mike Klementovich as well as Maureen Barrett (Co-Authors of the only authorized biography of Paul W. Klipsch) and to Valerie Klipsch for extending their trust, support, the creative freedom and excellent direction to create such a tribute to a truly extraordinary man. Indirectly I really have Audiogon to thank for the friendship that Mike and I have developed over the past year. A year ago I purchased a pair of amps from him right here on Audiogon, and we became fast-friends having many things in common. So a big thanks to Audiogon as well. I did another, more elaborate graphic design project for Valerie, Mike and Maureen right after completing that page, that I am also very proud of. Some of you Klipsch fans may enjoy that one a lot as well, so I will put some pics up to my webspace as soon as I get a chance and post the URL to this thread. I'm currently working on a new ad for the biography which will appear in the June AudioXpress if we run on schedule, perhaps some oher pubs too a bit later in the year.

I'll continue to work here in the ol' horsebarn in Seattle to remedy my shrinking wallflower status and combine my passions. It's really nice to hear they are appreciated, and a real privelege (for which I am always thankful) to be able to share them in such an expressive way. You know I'm pretty good a macrame too Nrchy. I make a mean potholder! It's also great to get to know some of you better, and actually meet a few of you in person. Look forward to more of the same in years to come.

Best to all,

Marco Prozzo
Nice, very nice.
Not the usual run of the mill stuff. Very creative indeed.
Keep up the good work. You WILL be rewarded for it.
Wow! Who knew Marco was capable of anything serious! Just kidding, love the Klipsch ad and your website. You should be very proud.
Sure Unclejeff. Sorry I don't have time to do a set of images that may do the invitation better justice, but as good as the Internet can show such things, you can take a peek at the Ad that Peter mentioned, as well as the invitation I subsequently created which was for a dedication taking place at the end of this week in Hope, AK for the Paul W. Klipsch Memorial Garden and PWK Conference Room. The intvitation was done in a limited edition of 300 hand numbered copies. I don't know if the wood grain in the background comes across on the Internet pics, but it is the grain from birchply (a the favored material of construction of the Heritage line of speakers PWK designed). The photo-engraved copper plate on the front is identical to the design on the speakers, and the hand-applied label on the back reflects the edition number and many who are familiar with vintage Klipsch will also recognize it. So use this linkto see a few pics of the designs.

Thanks again for all the kind words.



....yes, I do have a serious fact, most people who know me well would never suspect I was funny at all. I wish my wit was as sharp as my key-pecking humor, but alas, it is not!