Copper v. Silver

Ok, for a beginner like myself, who is a bit overwhelmed, break it down for me, please. When and where would one use silver or copper. Specifically, if one has tubes for both source and integrated, would one be better off with silver for the IC? And how about for SET's? As a general rule, is silver "better" for tubes and copper "better" for SS? Thanks!
I have listened to both copper and silver cables with good results. I believe the overall design of the cable matters most especiallly dielectric absorption (not always the metal).
I have built dozens of very high end preamps and power amps with these various metals and in each case.
Copper sounds very good, But silver sounds cleaner and clearer. Making them out of 99.9999% gold is twice as clear and even cleaner sounding.
But Platinium is the KING!!! Sounds like no wire at all!

The superiority of silver has more to do with the crystal structure than the fact that it is slightly more conductive. Also for designers like me that use bare wires, the oxides are less of a problem with silver than with copper. I believe that it is possible for silver and copper cables to sound essentially identical, at least when they are new and not oxidized.