Copper vs. Silver interconnects

We are running two systems from one CD player. We have a SET (tube, obviously) amp, a hybrid (tube outstage) amp, and the CD player also has a tube. I love my Verastarr silver reference interconnects, but it's always fun to try out different cables.

I have listened to a variety of copper cables (Kimber, DH Labs, Analysis Plus, Harmonic Technology, etc.), and I find them to lack the clarity and lively authority of the silver cables in these particular systems.

My question is this: do I stick with the silver cables (or gold, palladium, beryllium, etc.), or are their some copper interconnects that would really be worth trying? I'm asking for your collective expertise/experience on this one, as I don't want to continue going through the process of buying and selling cables that are only going to sound veiled and/or dull in comparison to the Verastarr's.

Thank you for the input.
Just to update this post, I tried an AU24 in my systems. It was an excellent cable. In fact, for the first hour or two, I was sure that I would keep it. By the fourth hour, however, the music no longer engaged me. I was getting bored, in other words.

With the Au24, I could hear some mid-bass frequencies that I was not hearing with the Verastarr cables. The AU24 sounded slightly fuller and warmer. However, with the AU24, the musicians sounded like they had moved from 5 feet away to the other side of a large room. And the AU24's did not have the clarity or attack that the Verastarr cables do, at least not in the two systems that we are using. My wife and I both liked them initially--by a very slight margin--but as I said above, we were bored after several hours of listening.

I'll see if I can find some of the PAD Musaeus cables, and maybe the Empress Cables by Michael Wolff, as they are getting some good reviews as well. I think we are ultimately partial to the clarity of the silver sound.

Thank you all again for your input.
All the best,
Howard (& my wife Gina, whose sharp ears pick out all of the nuances so well)
You should really try the NBS classic lines like King Serpent, Signature and Master.
Boa try the TGaudio they are exciting cable. I also
experience the same thing with the Au24, although
they are excellent, what can I say.The TG cables
they let you hear so much, that they are not bright at
all.See, no one want to sell them?

If it ain't broke don't what ?..... :-) 'had to bust your chops ..
I am glad to hear we passed another challenge.

FYI, we will be releasing some single crystal copper IC's that are very high purity Copper, in about 30 days. I will send you a demo pair to test out against our SR IC. If you like it, you can trade in the SR's for a new pair of continuous cast copper. (I haven't named them yet.) After that, we can let them do a tour of Audiogoners systems. In fact, why don't I send out 2 sets for each user to test. Silver and Copper....When each person is done, they will agree to send them via Priority Mail ($4.00 flat rate envelope)to the next set of ears connected to grey matter. Keep them for a week at a time to allow others to try...

What do you guys think ??
Anyone game ??

Mike Powell