Coupling capacitors give warm & sweet sound

Any Caps that provide similar sound to Jensen (PIO) eg warm, sweet mid range ? But more reliable.

To be used on my ASL Hurricane Tube Power amp.
I found mu current Hovland caps gives details, good image, but a bit thin and harsh.

Any advices.

Jensen.. Had em' , okay but weak, a bit pulled back and soft... Mundorf silver oil is the only cap I would go with in this type if you want paper and oil, however they have very large bodys some space restictions and values will not work in some applications, and the fact again who knows if they will hold up under long durations of heat in 10 years put in electronics is not really known...

I have been thru, sonicaps, kimbers, Clarity cap S.A., auricaps, dynamicaps, mundorfs,Hovlands.. teflons, papers, oils, golds etc... More but to much money spent and lesser performance in the end..

Best overall cap, with excellent value(reasonable priced), size that should fit most, and soundstage with very warm yet very dynamic sounding from what I have heard in a single configuration... Jantzen superior caps. I highly suggest reading this link:

Every cap is rated, and believe it or not from all the ones I have tried these are pretty dead on results of the sounds and costs...
Thanks Guys for your feedbacks.

I had gone thru the review in the humblehomemadehifi, it is actually more on the speaker caps. But very good review indeed.

I will browse the one recommended by Mingles tonight.

Actually, I had Hovland caps installed in my amps for appx 150 hrs. Should I be more patient and wait until 300- 500 hrs. I was told that the Teflon caps need longer time to break in.

Your experience with Hovland sounding thin & hard as coupling cap mirrors mine-- even after long break-in. FYI, they are not teflon.
If it helps, I HATED the hovlands almost the most out all the caps I have had...