Cowboy Junkies Trinity Session Gold CD......Where

can I find it?
Hi Craigt, this is Craig G. The Gold CD of the Cowboy Junkies Trinity Session is no longer in print-- hasn't been for quite awhile. It was a DCC recording. I had a couple of i-net music search places try to find me one but with no luck. It occasionally shows up on eBay I hear, but not when I'm looking:>(. Good Luck. Craig
If you are into LP's also, the 4 LP 45 RPM Trinity Sessions on Classic LP is still avaliable. I recently got mine at Acoustic Sounds for $43 and the sound is Fantastic. The single Classic LP is now out of print and Acoustic Sounds is selling it for $125. I can't imagine how much the 4 LP set will go for once it goes out of print.