Crank it up just once

Howdy. I did a couple of searches & really didn't come up with a good thread. I have the notion of wanting to crank the heck out of my system just once. We all have a lot of mmoney invested in our systems & frankly I am seriously paranoid about frying something. BUT it would be a gas to try it a time or two. Maybe a little Dark Side of the Moon, both sides start to finish..? Any insight on doing it without fritzing something? System is; Krell KRC2, pre; Krell KPE Reference phono; Krell FPB300cx, main: Krell Infinity Rennaisance 90 speakers. Highest I have had it is a little past 1:00 (volume)with the gain on high. And that is with the phono. Maybe 12:00 with th CD player. Room is big enough, but my nerve isn't.
>Any insight on doing it without fritzing something?<

With all that Krelling going on, there will definitely be some ear bleeding!

Go ahead, crank it up. What's the worst you can do, fry a couple drivers? Who amongst us hasn't done that? Oh, only me? Never mind. :)
Yeahhh Baby...I've dun it!
It was 1980 and I had finally saved up enough money to get the Sony receiver that I couldn't live without, off lay-a-away at my local HiFi shop. My big night was in motion. After getting everything hooked up with a new roll of 18 ga lamp cord and my Supertramp album cued up I was ready. I cracked open a beer, fired up the old turntable and cranked it up.
Way up.
My euphoria was short lived. Ten seconds and POP...POP. The smell of something burning. Could it be?
I had blown not one but both of my Avid speakers.
Anyone remember Avid speakers? The rubber surrounds had both disintegrated.
The following weekend I was back at my local HiFi shop buying new speakers.
I guess it was fun while it lasted, but I haven't done it again.
Oooohhhh to be young again.