Damned if I Do and Damed if I Don't

Let me start off by saying that I have a truly wonderful wife! That being said, she couldn't deal with my choice of the Sistrum 6 rack I purchased and which I thought was absoultly terrific. We live in New England and have a cape, which is furnished with many antiques and paintings of the 19th century. She takes great pride in her house but she couldn't deal with the modern look of this rack sitting amongst the antiques.

Now I need suggestions on which racks would have wood, could hold my turntable, 3 tube components, and 3 other components, be aesthetically somewhat compatable with the decor as well as have contribute positively to my sound needs?
My wife and I could look at the same piece of clothing in a store window and we get different impressions. While I see form, she sees color. I do many big projects around the house, but without her sense of style and color my finishes would be highly functional, albeit a bit sterile.

Listen to her.

Going to a cabinet maker and asking him to match a piece of her furniture on the outside, built to your specifications on the inside will best both for all.

[Especially if you also commisssion another piece of
furniture, just 'for her' that she will love...]
Wow, that's a shame, and a bit surprising too; The Sistrum 6 is a pretty elegant and understated rack in my eyes. Clean and simple, not at all dominating or bulky. I'm also a big fan of setting things off with contrast but I guess that isn't the case with your rack and her antiques. Are you sure it is JUST the rack that is bothering your wife and not the system itself? I like the suggestion of the gutted Armoire. Perhaps you could even find something big enough to keep the Sistrum, that would act as a kind of shell around it. I don't know how eclectic your wife's taste is, but there are some really beautiful medical and dental cabinets from the turn of the century that I've always thought would make a great display case for a nice system...especially tubes. You'd have to wire and properly ventelate it though as they are usually sealed. This would mean drilling holes in the back (and likely destroying the resale value of it). The most beautiful ones I've seen (IMO) are made of steel and have Queen Anne legs. They're pretty rare to find, and I don't recall ever seeing them in New England (my folks live in VT and I've spent quite a bit of time in that area). Seems like they're more out west and in the bigger cities (maybe Boston has them). I've seen them on eBay once or twice and they go for around the same price as your Sistrum. As far as optimizing it for isolation of components and optimal function as a stereo shelf, I'm sure it would require further efforts. These are not the common dental cabinets with drawers, but more of a medical cabinet with doors. There is currently one on eBay but it is priced pretty high. You can see it here Disclaimer: No association with this seller whatsoever. Later examples are much less curvy, less expensive, and more straight up and down. If you search long enough for one you may find a bargain. Then again, it may not be your wife's taste at all. My wife hates my speakers in our living room. I've already conceded to put the rest of the system in the closet...well, I recently took the amps out. Yes, my amps are out of the closet folks! Anyway, have managed to keep the speakers in place. I may end up building a listening room downstairs in order to make her happy (and me happy)! Good luck with your better half!

Ok, the way to keep the Sistrum rack and also have the looks your wife wants, is to do as suggested above, and use a gutted armoir for the enclosure, and drill 3 holes in the base to let the Sistrum legs contact the floor. This will allow the Sistrum rack to do its job of coupling to the floor, and hide the system at the same time. Best of both worlds.
I am pulling my recommendations on the Mapleshade platform/equipment rack.I waited a month and a half for two of the three platforms I ordered.I had decided to go with the "black option".When I received the platforms,they were dinged,scratched and blotchy in appearance.I believe that I could have done a better job and would not have rested the platforms on nails while the stain/lacquer dried.I contacted Mapleshade/Eldon to ask if this is what I should expect.Eldon told me "I inspected the platforms before shipment.If you are unhappy with the quality,you won't be happy with anything we provide you".This after calling four times,being left on hold for ten minutes {I recalled on cell-Eldon picked right up-obviously didn't care to speak with me}.We all expect polite service while purchasing,what ever happened to the follow-up/post purchase service.It must be a lost science.TWO THUMBS DOWN and I sell these products! I'll be thinking twice before making another recommendation.
Hey Tpsonic....I often rell everyone how great I think the company is that I just bought from. reality is often a bit of a let-down, after the product arrives and after a few months of use. Perhaps we all should wait to audition thw stuff before going 'aandwagon' on it. Good that you can change your mind. More of us should do so.....