Damping to exitation of parasitic modes of

What is the best material to use as a substrate for making Isolation plinths/platforms, for damping the excitation of parasitic modes of vibration as well as HF resonance? That looks cosmetically appealing as well?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjollygreenaudiophile2
Um, ok. I do believe you are correct Sir. But that's not the use of the verb in the context in which it was meant. At least it fits my thoughts on the matter much better than -
 "Complimentary Vibration" which is as nonsensical to me as it is indeed logical. The misnomers abide me not well tonight.
Jeff, the entire Shun Mook "thing" is beyond me. I've never been one to cry "shenanigan's" to what another swears by because I've experienced too many as of yet, unresolved occurences myself. Yet if it was truly that much an epiphany, would not they at least be available with an money back guarantee?    Are we sure "Shun Mook" isn't Swahili for 'Purveyor of fine snake oils? Hmmm. shall I alert the "shenanigan's" armed response unit/ bobsled team?! And why aren't we all growing Mpingo tree's in our basements under immense high pressure sodium lighting as an erstwhile yet felonious endeavor?

There is something inside a Shun Mook Mpingo disc which makes it even more difficult to wrap one's mind around. There’s a small circular discoloration in the wood where someone obviously drilled out a hole on one side of the disc and inserted this thing, then covered it up with a circular insert. You can hardly tell it’s there. The Moingo discs are directional, both top to bottom and as you turn the disc around. That’s why one side has some Chinese character engraved in it, so that’s the side that’s facing down. I’ve knocked off more Moingo discs than the average bear and know how to mark them for direction. Call it a skill.
Hey Geoff,

A good friend is encouraging me to try Mad Scientist Black Discus. Looks like a unappetizing Reese Cup to me. Have at it if you will.

The DIY power purifier on their website looks interesting...


Ok, If you can tell me these things dont have a half-life of 3 months I'll probably bite. So whatever this is works in conjunction with a variable density medium, is very small, and passive, hmm. Battery operated? Very small field generator? So Shun Mook 'IS" from the 9th dimension which evolves through the center "Torus" per string theory! Ok where do I pick mine up? Or do they simply appear, but only for us whom are enlightened? Is there a currency exchange involved? I still believe in the barter system. Here, hold this duck whist I..........
                 But seriously folks, Can I buy used? Scratch and dent clearance?