DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??


I'm curious if anyone has listened to these players.

From other threads I've seen that DCS doesn't have a big following in the US probably partly because of the price. Can anyone describe the sound? I saw somewhere that people found it to be better than the Emm Labs equipment and that DCS has become more musical than the older DCS equipment.

The other player I'm very curious about is the new Soulution 740 player. A relatively new high-end brand from Switzerland. Apparently the player had its introduction at the CES 2008. Has anyone listened to it and does it is so much better than the other player considering its price?

Thanks for your feedback.
Mert, the 808.2 Sig Ref took my 24/96 Chesky DVD Audio recordings like a pro, just like that, and for sure that sounded MUCH better than CD. Sometimes I guess manufacturers specs don't reveal all, don't ask me why. DVDA is dead though as a format.

Now look who's calling the kettle black, you've changed gear more than I have! Like you say, I don't mess much with components. But I have a good set of ears and I enjoy comparing. And my music library is expanding by 25+ titles a week ... which is what its all about.
I have maximum 400cds: xrcd,sacd,cd. I can't say I am a stereotype audiophile, even I can't claim that I am 100 percent an audiophile! Don't have analog gear and don't want to sail to unknown seas. However my expertise is the get most pleasing overall sound for a given setup with tweaks.(mostly with cables) Maybe I gained this skill while I was a DJ....(still I play with pro stuff and experiment Hi-End gear together with P.A. stuff)
That's it!
Mert, I stand corrected, the Meridian we auditioned was the old 808 not the 808.2 which, as you correctly stated, does not play DVD-A! There is a way to upgrade the 808 to .2 but I'm not sure about the DVD-A capability. I think Meridian dropped it.

I'm not sure there is a standard definition of an audiophile per se. In my book someone who loves music and is willing to go to some lengths to maximize the listening experience can be called an audiophile in my book. Anyway, this hobby needs to be fun, some take it much too serious...

You were a DJ? Cool, that means you are at least a music lover, the whole gear thing is secondary!
quote I was at CES and none of the rooms using DCS were among the best sounding IMHO, maybe that's a coincidence ...

how was the room of Jeff Rowland with dCS Puccini & Thiel 3.7?
Clavil, I didn't visit that room, but I know the Puccini and the Thiel's sound ... don't get me wrong the sound in these rooms were very, very good, and some have certain outstanding qualities, just overall not THE BEST to my ears.