Dealer Ethics? - Anonymous disparagement

Is it wrong for an apparent DUNLAVY AUDIO dealer to ANONYMOUSLY call Pipedreams the" worst speaker I have ever heard over $500.00"?? I was startled by the extremely negative posts by cg70754 as to the Pipedreams loudspeakers . He called them in one of two posts - " Truly the worst speaker over $500.00 I have ever heard". Strong negative stuff . A check of the DUNLAVY AUDIO website revealed Acoustics Solutions as a Dealer with e-mail address c/o An e-mail to cg70754 , showed cg70754 to be the listed DUNLAVY dealer,in Alpharetta,GA,- Chuck Gerlach of Acoustic Solutions . What do you think?
I don't see a problem. If he thinks the speaker is bad, then he should say so. If a competing product is good, he should also say that too. I would be distrustful of any dealer who didn't have fairly strong opinions.
Actually Retroguy, my comments do pertain to the thread as to compare what is acceptable behavior in an industry other than Hifi. I could also make comparisons to both the interior design and high end food and wine industries in which I have over 20 years of experience and in which this type of behavior is not considered acceptable. Commom business courtesy extend wells beyond this single example and this particular industry and I see these comaprisons as being valid. Also no jab, as you put it, was intended against Cornfed and I don't view his reply as one at myself. Thank you though for expressing your opinion instead of (or as well as) voting.
John 1- whats an unannounced dealer? If its someone who is making a living selling audio and then posts comments under another name, then that conduct is reprehensible and should be clearly unacceptable to AGon. I have noticed occassional solicitations to buy (private and dealer) slipping in here occassionally. while those are prohibited, at least they are above board. Bottom line on the nature of this post is that anyone dealing in audio equipment should make that known to all when they post, and that its rarely appropriate to "flame" your competition. Just point out what you can that others can't (better, cheaper, faster, whatever) and why.
Alanlaw, I apologize for this showing up in your thread, this is most sincere. This is also most sincere, I have had enough of the crap that rears it's ugly head on Audiogon threads. After having been directly involved with the site for a little over a month, I have been in no less than three situations that have degenerated to name calling and the like. I hoped to connect with some people that had similar interests, but have not been able to do so. I've had enough of people like Dekay and cornfed ruining threads . No offense to Cornfed, you can be a true gentle man, but I have better things to do than this, like listening to music. Hope you all grow up soon, have a nice day. Retro