Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?

Ok so I guess this is as much a change just for the sake of change, lol, as tbh I am pretty happy with my setup but it has been the same equipment for the last 3 years so just what the heck, lets fiddle.....

So present equipment is:
Krell KAV250A
Acoustic Research LS2
Krell s-350
Usher cp-6381

Now i listen nearly exclusively to rock, mostly modern rock like Avenged sevenfold, stained, shinedown, saving abel, halestorm etc etc. Some more classic rock if I am feeling mellow.
I do not believe anything much else will ever grace my systems

I fully realize I may take a step backward or two but if there are far more expensive players out there there may be one that suits my ears better.

Budget is up to $4k used or new

Any good suggestions please.
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Do you have a lot of discs other than red book CD? PS Audio just came out with their DirectStream Memory Player to replace their Perfect Wave Transport.  If you have all red book then the PWT is now $2k on their web site and you may find it even cheaper on the web.

I second twoleftears. Absolutely it's the new Bryston BCD-3.

I didn't listen to it, and no one has yet, but I have the BCD-1 which is superb. Absolutely full confidence on the soon to arrive the Bryston BCD-3.

i am really in the market just to replace the cd player, at this time i do not have the inclination or intention to go fully digital with usb or wave file players, way too many cds going back years and years to be bothered to "rip" them to a music server or computer or similar.
Pretty old fashioned and cd digital tech is about as far as this old fart is moving tbh.
I just went through this process of replacing a CD player.  I listened to the following:

Yamaha CD-S2100
Marantz SA8005
Marantz CD 6006
Atoll CD 200SE
Simaudio Neo 260D

I could have lived with any of the above but in the end it was a run off between the Atoll and the Simaudio.  I was able to A/B them on my system which was a bit of a pain as they have slightly different live level output levels which required adjusting volume for fairness.

In the end the Simaudio won out.  I liked the horn sound better and the bass was a little tauter (although I felt the Atoll went deeper).  The build was better for the Simaudio in particular the CD tray was far more robust. The clinchers were the 10 year warranty for the Simaudio (2 years on the tray) along with their trade up program (up to 100% in the first year).

I would buy a nice dac and keep your CD player as the transport.   This will give you the upgrade in sound quality you want since you have just replaced the audio processor in the cd player with something presumably newer and better.  And you will be able to use the dac with other devices like phones, tablets, computers, etc. for streaming or Hi-Rez music files.  I use an external DAC to decode a coax feed from an Oppo Blu-ray player, and my dac has an additional optical input and a USB input for switching between other connected devices. When im not using the Oppo, I can plug my phone into the USB input and stream hi res Internet radio stations. Love the flexibility.