Diapason Adamantes II and III good speakers or no

Well ten years ago I listened to these Diapason Adamantes II speakers,And they were very musical to my ears,andtaste,
That time the dealer is selling them for 5k, plus thedealer is not a nice guy,he is greedy,So I did not buythem.Inotice no one talks about them here at Agon why?.Are this good speaker or not?I miss them though.
I haven't heard the Adamantes IIIs, which are supposed to be noticeably better than the IIs, but the IIs are very pleasing speakers indeed!!! Not the speakers for critical evaluation of material, but excellent speakers for just enjoying music. Put another way, in comparison to other speakers of comparable size, I did not find the Adamantes II to rate an A+ in any particular area, but they rated a solid B+ in every area. A bonus is that they are not finicky and mate well with solid state or tube amps.

If you liked them when you heard them, you'll still like them now. The reason nobody talks about these speakers is that they are a hard sell at "list" price new and don't have the reputation of say - Sonus Faber. But if you can get a good used pair at a price you can afford, I wouldn't hesitate to buy them.
Oahuan, Well I did bought a used pair, for $1900,
they are coming next week,I think I agree with
you they just make music,they are not for critical
listening, Iam tired of that anyway.Honestly If
my ears were already train when I first heard them,
I will buy them, You are right that time 5k, is
not practical to buy this speakers,I bought the
Martin Logan quest instead, it took 5 years before
I was able to master the placement and cabling and
lots of room treatment, before they sing.I believe this
speakers they are more for mature listeners, and for
those who are already healed of audiphilia nervosa.
Hello Jayctoy,
just read your thread today. I too bought a pair of used Adamantes II three weeks ago. Really beautiful build quality, but more important : they sound absolutely gorgeous, very spacious, free of grain and the lows are very good in my 20m² room. In short, they're made for letting you enjoy the music, not evaluate it.
I live in Belgium, but I bought them in Holland where they're rather popular, mainly because the local Diapason-trader is doing a great job. I paid them 1375 Euro (about 1500$) included the 3P-stands. I already had the very best Partington-stands, but I can assure you that the Diapasons are really made for their dedicated stands, and do sound better on them. Just everything falls neatly into its place once the Ada's are on them.

Enjoy them and kind regards!
Alain,this speaker they do make music,very friendly,
I have not change a cable,Of course they are beautiful,
I believe now this are better than my quest,musically
speaking.The only problem they are very rare.
I have the II's and would say the following:

Also some suggestions.

They are more revealing than you think. Musical yes and very musical at that. But every time I have changed cables, pucks, cones tweaks, mats, etc. you can hear the difference.

Try this also - bybee filters at the tweater and woofer - inside the speaker - and it sounds great, even more detail and retains all of its depth and musicality. Also tilt them back about 1/2 inch or so. Try pointing them at the outside edges of your ears also.

These have been very nice inmprovements.