Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?
Clarification Sabai? Are you saying that one is so much better than the other, or that they're so sonically different it's impossible to contrast them against each other in terms of specifics?
And there should be no comparison as no cable is "better" than another.

Cables are system and listener dependent. This is why many systems are wired with cables that are modestly priced. There is, at best, only a minimal positive correlation between cable price and performance.

I've been doing this for 52+ years and used both very expensive and extremely inexpensive cables. The cable business is loaded with salesmanship and snake oil.

At the end of the day, it's the combination of the system's components and listener's preferences that dictate the best cables for him/her.

If Sabai's inference is SR Tesla is somehow superior to Supra, he is both badly mistaken and inexperienced.

I'd also like some feedback, as I have read good things about the Supra Sword.
I am neither badly mistaken nor inexperienced. Supra are low-end cables. Period. They do not belong in a comparison with high-end cables. Their success is a result of marketing -- not a result of their sonic attributes. The best components will be brought down to the lowest common denominator in the cable chain. Try pairing some high end components with Supra cables and see what happens.

Some SR cables are excellent -- in the active lines. This is system dependent. Not only the cable business but also the component business is loaded with salesmanship and snake oil. Everything in life is loaded with salesmanship and snake oil. What else is new?