Differences in electric outlets

Anyone have any idea if there is a real quality or other difference bewteen hospital grade duplex outlets and say those manufactured by PS Audio, or like audio companies?
I just wish that it was possible to put R1's in the PS Audio Powerplant Premier.

I think I was told at the time it was not possible, but I'll have to contact Rick the guy that designs and mods some of the PS gear.

I think that would make an ultimate distribution box. However even if possible it would add quite a bit of cost between the parts and the labor (I'm guessing easily over $1000). Man I would love to have that unit, maybe with an upgraded IEC jack as well.
I have two Oyaides outlets sitting in the sofa table next to my listening chair, and I find that the books on that table are much more engaging since the outlets have been in the drawer...

What does it all mean?!?



Nrchy, It means you have been procrastinating too long about installing them.
Electroid and Rja have nailed this one. The Oyaide R1 is the audiophile outlet to have. (I tried Hubbell, PS Audio, and Furutech before).
Power outlets do make a noticeable difference in sound.
So do the plug ends on your power cords.
Think of them as interconnect ends for your power connections.
Clean power to your equipment is just as important as your interconnects and speaker cable.
Ironically, one of the best sounding plug ends is the cheap Leviton three prong plug ends from your hardware store.
These are the ones for around $10, and have a white nylon insert on the three prong end.
I replaced the end of an MIT Z-cord with the Leviton, and it sounded significantly better.
One of my local high end audio dealers was making his own power cords using Leviton end plugs, and I still run his cords today on my power line conditioner and preamp.
The high end manufacturers know about it, too.
Did you know that Synergistic Research power cords use these cheap Leviton plug ends?
They heat shrink the entire plug end so you can't tell what it is!
I looked closely at two of my Synergistic Research power cord ends, and sure enough, the tell tale signature Leviton plastic ends and screws were there.