Digital Amps Spectron Vs Channel islands

I have found good reviews out there for both of these. Has anyone heard the Musician III vs the D100 or D200 monoblocks?

Curious minds want to know.

I have heard both the D100 and D200, and I have corresponded and spoken with Dusty Vawter on several occasions. His responses have always been prompt, courteous, and helpful. The amps have been my favorites among an admittedly small sampling of Class D amps that I have auditioned. I can wholeheartedly recommend Channel Islands Audio.

I have never heard a Spectron amp, but several emails and telephone calls to the Spectron factory that I made a couple of years ago went unanswered. Others told me the owner(s) were having some personal/health problems at the time, which might have accounted for the lack of response, however, I never heard from them. Based on my experience with Spectron, I gave up on their products.