DIY. Whose speakers would you use?

If you could pick and choose from any parts out there, which tweeters mids and woofers would you spec for a DIY set of speakers? What about the crossover electronics? Which caps, etc? Crossovers to be internal. Amps SS.
Thinking caps on please!!
Emphasis on boxes for serious listening.
Thanks. Have fun with this!!
"I do not believe there is any kit suitable for the "main room".

Check back with this thread from time to time. I think you may have reason to change your mind. :)
Orpheus, you can take "audiophile" and shove it up your attitude. Most audiophiles like you only know what they are told sounds good.

I believe drivers, parts, and boxes should be viewed as a sum rather than parts. Example, a ribbon tweeters may be great, but its xover point my be high and requires a mid range that can reach higher frequencies. Conversely, some of the Scanspeak tweeters are awesome and may allow for a lower xover point, allowing you to pick a different mid. A great diy speaker site is linked below. All the parts interact together, so it is the best integrated system is what you are looking for. Enjoy.
Dan ED,
I welcome all comments relevant to the topic. That is more than a bit off the mark.
I would consider using:
German Physiks Troubadour 80's
Huff Sub One's
TacT Boz 216/2200's
Alpha-Core Goertz AG2's
Choose your own clocks, drive, server, etc.

That is, if I could afford it.:-)