DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature

Have any of you compared the sound of the standard VS-1 integrated by DK Design to the sound of the recent "signature" model? I am very curious to learn DETAILS of how they compare.

Please only respond if you have performed such a comparison. Please be specific in your response.

Thank you.
Thanks for the kind words everyone.
All we want is a chance to prove that our company will do everything possible to make buying a piece of audio gear, a pleasant experience.
Mumum, I have been answering emails sent to the old home office during our transition. You would be surprised at how many people are searching for a real helping hand. Frankly it is gratifying to help the people writing in--and it's helpful to both of us. I get to see what people are asking, and saying, since it helps DK to move in the direction the customers want.
One of my first offical decisions, was to 'kill' the home theater piece which was close to production. Before you yell and scream, its not that I don't want the Surround Sound piece in our line--that is a very big market, and we want to have a product in that arena. It was, that the product in question did not make sense to me from a DK perspective.
The unit was 'all solid state'--and I think that people look to DK for 'Hybrid' electronics.
So now our engineers are working to make a 6 channel unit, with 6 channels of tube preamplification.
This will put us back some 3 additional months, and create additional expense. Am I being Polyanna? Was this a bad decision?
Time will tell. But my thinking was that, we have to remain true to our 'roots', and continually improve on the company, but not stray from our core competence and identity, which began as hybrid.
I have polled several of our larger dealers in an informal way--and they have supported that decision--don't think that some weren't disappointed about the delay. they were. But all of them agreed that the philosopy 'must' be maintained.
Any input from you guys on this?
We want to build what the select few audiophile/moviefiles want us to build.
I look forward to your comments--thanks again for the kind words.

Larry R. Staples
DK Design Group
Larry, I personally would be very interested in a HT unit. Being that I was a movifile before venturing into audio. I would like more info on this multi channel hybrid: is it going to be geared towards home theater (ie is it going to have connections for High Definition, THX, or Dolby Pro Logic II ect)? obviuosly it will focus on great warmth with all six channels, but it would be nice if we could have a switching mechanism to switch to a two channel. The number of inputs are important imho, as this could cater to not only a dedicated audio system, but also a dedicated ht system. Also, if you can keep the price at these great levels (like the "defunct" HT piece was set to be), I think you will have something that you would be able to use to stand out of the HT crowd with.
That was my thinking, a unit that would excel in both multi channel, or two channel music, as well as movies.
Plus again, being true to our identity.
Making a six channel pre stage will take some doing, and perhaps, because of it's physical size, two units, as in a pre and amp separates.
Whichever way we go, it will be a worthy successor to our Integrated, or we won't do it at all.
Switching is planned, as well as 'plenty of inputs'.
Send me your preferences on a unit like this, as we will try to hit 'most' of the preferences of our customers.
As I mentioned earlier, we exist to create what our customer base wants and expects from us, and at a reasonable price.
PS Send it to the DK site, and I will address any questions or suggestions that anty of you might have.

Unit has recieved some positive press. That said, there are what I perceive to be an incredible number of these units up for sale very soon after introduced - at half of list price no less. Why is that? Seems to be more units than an argument about typical early adopter equipment swappers can explain? Was considering a used device, but the sheer number of available units makes me wonder.......
I don't believe most are selling the DK integrated , do to not being completely satisfied with them.. If you look at the classified ad's listed you will find that 7 are actually dealers.(As of 08-15-05) Once the VS.1 Reference MK2 came out, shortly after the MK3 was then available. There was quite a few that wanted to sell there's to purchase the MK3, since it was slighly upgraded more and only sold for $200.00 more new , even though the MK2 already sounds very good.. There is also 3 listed with finacial reasons, 2 upgrading and only 2 unknown for selling there's..That only leaves posssibly 4 that are wanting to go a different direction... In my case i do tend to sell things i regret later, just to try others things out there, must be a disease...If this helps any, i liked the DK over my Accuphase E-406V , but its also a matter of opinion to each individual.. I know 3 others that also heard both of them, agreed with me on the DK sounding better.. I can also say my friend has the small pass labs X-150 amp, BAT-VK40 preamp, Music Fidelity Tri-vista dac , & upgraded Parasound 2000 transport and its very close with the MK2 , not using a dac. Thats saying a little for an integrated amp.. For the asking price even new you will not go wrong, but i do recommend using different tubes over the stock tubes..
Hope this helps some and Goodluck,