Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
of course you ended up paying the paypal fee .....that should never be the buyers responsibility..
Agree; if you're selling used gear for anything over 50% list then don't be shocked if it doesn't move. 10/10 open box, or 9/10 "5 hours use" isn't particularly impressive, either. Many items have to go beyond that 50% discount, depending on circumstances (speakers are always a hard sell due to shipping/hassle, and cartridges due to delicacy/trust). And there will always be obvious low-ballers looking for a score or a quick flip; ignore them too. 
I get this and have a question. I am THINKING about selling a set of speakers that was refurbished by the factory to new and just have remained in their sealed boxes since I have another pair I listen to. Back then, these sold for a bit over $1500/pair. Newer models run over $30,000.

Should I ask 1/2 original retail? The refurb and shipping cost more than that, but if I ask MORE than 750.00 will anyone be interested?


i generally agree with minorl--most of the buyers here (as opposed to say, ebay or craigslist) are audiophiles and not flippers or bargain hunters, and it usually does come down to  finding that one buyer who's looking for what you're selling. that said, the market is what it is--those sellers who insist that their item is worth more than what identical items are listed for are going to be unhappy.