Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

geoffkait -

Obviously you can't or didn't read, listen or interpret the information I provided. It more than covers this so called "burn in" issue. It's real empirical data from real engineers, not unsubstantiated jibber jabber.

Even the article you provided as Breaking News! -from Galen Carol Audio is specifically addressed in the material I sent you - which you would know if you actually went through it.

Not only is there a raft of empirical data but also, properly conducted listening tests.

The only references you can provide are from cable manufacturers who've conveniently omitted any empirical data much less truth. Why would they say otherwise? Their very existence depends on the suckers who believe that crud.

Burn in is debunked! There is zero proof that it has any basis in reality.

It seems Mark Twain's quote is correct, “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

It seems you and blueranger are having a good deal of fun in feeding your bs unsupported opinions, completely unhelpful to those who want to know the facts and the truth. If you're just here to crank up the rhetoric merely for the fun of it, I find that wholly disappointing. It lowers us all who are serious about the hobby.

And now, back to the same ripe tomato..
Ok again here we go. We cannot unhear what we have experienced. I have a feeling this topic will be obsolete and fully answered by science 30 40 or 50 years or more from now. 
blueranger: "Science in its infancy cannot measure the differences that many people can hear. Infancy woah? Yep some think we know all there is to know about sound. A hundred years from now our grandchildren will look back at us and see how far they have come."

The human brain is the most complex machine ever imagined or realized. It is totally responsible for ALL of the above. And, yes, there is an unknown science to the human brain/mind/perception that is still uncharacterized. And yes, the process of belief is poweful enough to account for cable burn in, as well as start global conflicts, as it has since time began for H. sapiens.

I can interpret for myself who is spewing jibber jabber and who isn’t. I suspect this is a simple case of you have been following the wrong sheep. Your big hero, Roger Russell, doesn’t know anything.

How about them tomatoes?