Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Bravo Slawney. Bravissimo Detlof! Would bet even money on Machiafava Bignami over Fata Morgana however.
Yes, THAT phenonenon again. First it was time of day, then it was supposed to be a mood swing, then drink or drug were blamed on my good/ill fortune. Perhaps you, like myself are just imagining this whole thing and we are really only listening to the equivalent of a 70's rack system!? Sorry about all that silliness, I really don't have an explanation or nice theory for you. I can only share my similiar experience with this and report that as my system has become more refined - and expensive - those ill times are less so; replaced by a more consistant level of supreme performance, where all sessions are enjoyable w/o that nagging feeling that something or someone has messed it all up during your absense. As the chinese waiter said; ENJOY! MikE
Slowhand, there are literally dozens of varables involved when it comes down to the perfect evening in front of the HI-FI. More times than not it's usually some kind of background noise that you're only aware of on a sub-concious level. You can't actually hear it but if it went away you would notice immediately. (ie: refrigerator running or perhaps outside sprinklers, or even a cooling fan on the back of an amp?) Also, the material or recording could have a lot to do with it. Finnally, mood will have the most dramatic effect on the way things sound. We all know that if you are not completely relaxed and at ease with yourself and in a great mood, things will sound different. Just my .2
The way I see it, my TV/Cable reception is often much much better late at night; therefore, I can definitely see how our stereo systems may sound better on certain days and/or at certain times.

I have to disagree with those who believe it is a matter of perception dictated by our "moods"; clarity, noise floor, and placement are all "real" aspects of the aural music listening experience which cannot be altered by our emotions. However, how these lyrics and music affect us from time to time is a totally different thing.
The phenomenom that you are describing is the same one that makes equipment or wires sound different even when there isn`t any difference. This doesn`t make it less real-it is for you. Now, of course, those having a product to sell you to "solve" your problem, will tell you that the voltage changed or the power grid was noisier the day before and you should be using his/her new power conditioner or cord.

Enjoy the fact that you enjoyed the music that day-maybe better accompanying wine?