Do You Allow Anyone Else To Operate Your Rig?

No one touches my system...period.

At a dinner party about a year ago, I had a cd playing in the background. When the cd finished, I was busy in the kitchen and entertaining guests. After about 15 minutes of no music, a guest felt that he should start the music up again. I looked up and saw this guy pushing buttons and turning knobs trying to figure out how to get the system going. I must have given him a frosty stare that would have made Medusa proud. My 11 year-old son saw my expression and felt sorry for the guy and went over and told him, "sir, no one is allowed to touch my dad's stuff".

Do other family members play your rig? Do you allow guests to operate your system?

Sorry, but no one is allowed to touch my stuff and I don't apologize for it. I don't even allow anyone to dust it off. Once the housekeeper dusted off my turntable and bent the stylus, ruined it....$500 bucks gone just like that. I never said a word to her about it, I just told her not to ever dust of my equipment again.

In another incident someone tried to play an LP while I was not watching. He got the turntable going but couldn't figure out how to get sound from the system. When I went over to see what was going on, he had the volume turned all the way up to maximum but still had no sound...of course he had no idea what a phono preamp was and of course it was not turned on. Had he turned the source knob one turn to my tuner which was switched on, he probably would have done serious damage to my speakers and scared the heck out of all of my guests with a loud blast. I politely told him not to ever touch my stuff again.

I've never had a guest over that was an audiophile.
The average person would be intimidated to touch it. Four different components need to be powered on just to play anything. All of my friends are adept with hi-end audio, so not a problem for me.
Your corrolary is interesting. I allow myself to mess with my friends systems, but do so only if I am certain of what I am doing. The Hippocratic oath is a good place to start with anything that is not yours: "First, do no harm."
My Ht systems is for anyone-but I have a 1 touch remote which pretty much takes of the any problems before they start--other then volume of course, my 2 channel rig that cost a tenth of my HT systems is strictly off limits!!
If it's somebody I know that knows about audio equipment and has asked my permission, probably. But in general, No.
My wife couldn't power up my system if her life depended on it! She doesn't care about it however so it's not a problem.

Strangers, absolutely not unless they too have nice gear and are trusted.