Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.

Fjn04: It's Kevin's newest, state-of-the art Amp and is supposed to be incredible. I'm not sure that it "replaces" anything, however. That would probably be a subjective call. I know its been shipping 2-3 weeks now and I'd really like to hear from someone who's got one (if they're not too busy listening to the music.........)

Yes, this amp replaces the Phi 220 mono which I own. Kevin mentioned this new design has incredible musicality, but more punch in the low end. I'd love to hear it. I have loved my 220's; Kevin builds beautiful sounding tube equipment but without the syrupy coloration common to many other manufacturers.
Hifimaniac: Thanks for the response. I've never heard Kevin really "gush" about anything and he was like a little kid describing this new amp. I also have the Phi 2.0 preamp, Velodyne DD-15, Billy Bags rack and Sistrum amp stand. Using WHisper Legacy speakers, VD Revelation cabling and combination of Elrod Statement PCs on amp (DNA-500) and EG Epiphany X on sources (APL-modded 3910)(Sansui modded TU-9900). No vinyl (I'd be broke!!)

Thanks again for the responses - hopefully as others acquire this new amp, they will weigh in here.
I am expecting to receive a Phi 300 this week. It will replace a VAC Ren Sig 70/70 (VAC made less than 30 of them), which has been a fantastic amp. I'll use it with a VAC Ren Sig Mk II preamp, and it will drive Verity Audio Lohengrin speakers. I'll let you know how it compares to the Ren Sig 70/70 as soon as I have had a chance to listen to it. By the way, know anyone who would be interested in an immaculate Ren Sig 70/70 that has just come back from VAC?
I think that the reason Kevin is gushing like a little kid is because with the new Phi products, he has broken ground with new technology that brings the listener that much closer to the real event. I recently bought the new Auricle Musicbloc mono amps. Why? Because that's all I could afford. Oh, how I wish I could own the new Phi 300 monos, but someday, maybe. I e-mailed Kevin asking him some questions about tube rolling, how the amp will match with my speakers, etc. He was quick to respond and answered all my questions to my satisfaction. Really nice guy. He even gave me a big welcome to the VAC family. He did try to get me to move up to the Musicbloc Standard 160. I believe the 160 have some of the technology used in the PHI line. But as with Fplanner2000, Kevin too was gushing a little bit about his new line. If it all sounds as good as it looks, the new PHI product line should be pretty special.