Driving Totem Forrests with 40W Tubes???

I am considering upgrading my Totem Arros to the Forrest, and am wondering if my PrimaLuna Prologue Two will yield acceptable results until I move to tube monoblocks? Would I be better with the Hawks? I would have them set up in a 8'7" x 11'0" alcove off a 435sf room. Any thoughts from Totem owners powering their Totems with tubes would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Okay, first off, I don't have personal experience with the Forests and tubes, but I do have experience with the Forests and fair range of amplification.

My first question would be: when are you planning to move to tube monoblocks? If you like the forests, and plan to move to tube monos at some point anyway, then I wouldn't personally get the Hawks in the interim. I don't think they're bad speakers at all, but the forests are that much better, and that much more noticable of a jump from the arros (which are great little speakers, btw).

I guess if you're already planning on moving to monos, then I'd go with those first, and then upgrade the speakers as funds permit, that way you're not listening to anything underpowered. I don't think the PrimaLuna would sound bad with the forests, but I doubt you'd be getting as much out of them as you could with something a bit beefier.
Mimberman, thanks for your response. Your suggestion makes a lot of sense and will probably be the way I go. What would be a minimum amount of tube power to drive the Forrests?
That question I can't answer, because I'm not a tube guy. I'd email Totem and ask; they've always been helpful with my requests.