Dump run on McIntosh MC402?

How come there are nine MC402 amps for sale right now on this website?
Anyone got a comment on this?
These amps are going for $4000 or so and you have to admit, however many they sold, nine listings at once is a lot of MC402's. Practically nothing is selling right now over the $2000 mark (maybe even less). Is the high end of the used audio market slumping? Is it easier or harder right now to move on the costlier stuff?
its a buyers market for sure. if you don't have to sell something...don't. its one of mac's best of all time anyway.
A dealer told me McIntosh has a 40% discount to dealers going on right now. It's a curious move because it cuts the resale value right out of 'em and hurts their customers who paid much more. I figure McIntosh/Denon must be hurtin' for cash flow right now. Even though I have an MC402 that I like a lot I have to say it's lowered my opinion of the company a bit. I think they've destroyed their dealer network by doing this and if anybody does any research they should know not to pay more than 35% off msrp for any new McIntosh piece. McIntosh has effectively reduced the value of their product line by 35% nearly overnight.
I disagree...have been thinking about buying one for a month now, and there is a lot of merchandise moving on here...for every new listing there has been one moving too.
In response to Wireless 200's comments. Practically all companies give their dealer a 40% discount. A few are a little less and some have discounts of 50%. It has always been this way, so what is the big fuss. Evidently some people are trying to put McIntosh in a bad light. McIntosh is one of the finest audio companies in the US along with other companies such as Pass Labs, Audio Research, Ayre and a few others. Some people seem to be upset that McIntosh is now foreign-owned, but so is Audio Research and I just read on the internet today that the Chinese are buying the rights to the GMC Hummer.