DYI Speakers. How good can they be?

Ive been doing alot of research into DYI audio. About 3-4 months ago i was getting kinda sick of my job and realized i dont want to do telecommunications my whole life. So what do i want to do? I love building things and i love Audio gear.

I recently went out and bought "Loudspeaker Cookbook", and "Designing Building & Testing your own Speaker System". I have recently ordered a book on electrostatic speakers and im looking at the local college for some physics, electronics, and mathematics courses. Im considering learning some metalurgy and taking some welding classes as well. It will be a while untill i can get all the tools i need, untill then i need to sharpen my most important tool for this task, my knowledge of speakers.

There is alot of complex stuff involved in these, but then again, my current job is extremly technical and complex. So i dont have any doubts of my ability to learn this stuff. It looks like ALOT of fun as well.

Im hoping that in 15 years or so i will be able to produce my own line of High-End speakers, but first i would like to complete at least 50 different speaker projects including electrostatic as well.I have been scouring the internet getting as many speaker recipes i can find, and i plan to build a speaker of every plan i can over the next 5 years or so. This will get my hands dirty and heelp me learn alot of the do's and dont's of speaker building before i start to design my own line of speakers.

Every now and then i think about Speakers from companys like Wilson, Vienna Accoustics, and such, and wonder if i could ever build something as refined.

Then i realised everyone who designs these things has to start at SOME point, and every line of speakers out there started as a DYI project.

I hope withint the next 10-15 years have a marketable product of my own design (of course) that will definatly have my personal sonic signature, and be something all of you will enjoy.

That being said, What are your experiences with DYI Audio? Have you ever run across a set of home-built speakers that put a good percentage of high-end speakers to shame? Im not looking for recipes, i'm just curious of anybodys experience with really well done homemade speakers.

I cant think of any job out there more satisfying than one that challenges you to think, requires you to use your hands, and shows significant progress or a finished product at the end of the day.
When I got into this hobby, virtually all speakers were DIY. You bought the drivers of your choice, and used plans put out by the manufacturers to build a cabinet. There were some good cabinet kits. Electrovoice was one that I put my Warfedale 12" driver (with wool flanel surround) in. Complete speaker systems came in with acoustic suspension (AR systems, then KLH, Advent and others). This was because the cabinet was a more critical part of the design.

DIY permits you to use higher quality components for the same money, but it may take careful design and subsequent tweeking to make you speaker sound as good as a finished commercial system that uses lesser components.

I guess this is like building your own airplane. (My other hobby). Most people spend more time building it than flying it. You have to enjoy that aspect of the hobby.
Superb and a great value. I have built speakers as kits and from the ground up and have been very satisfied with the results. My current stereo rig uses the SEAS Thor based on a Madisound kit. They cost about $1500 for the pair with preassembled and finished cabinets and easily compare with the mega-buck systems in clarity and refinement. Give it a try!
Rkeman...I agree that Madisound Kits are great. I have three Dynaudio Gemini from Madisound, which are very good (for a box). However, I don't consider assembly of a Madisound kit as true DIY.
Thats to everyone for the replies as well as the links, several points have been brought up that i have not considered, but i havent even started this yet, im still educating myself on this for right now. The building will start in about 5-6 months of other peoples designs to get my feet wet in the process.

Once i DO start, i will be sure to post pics and testing data. I will probably also ship out some demo speakers to some individuals on the 'gon if they would be willing to check them out and give a non-biased blunt and true review.

Herman, Sorry, i diddnt get that far on the discovery channels' wright brother special :)

Thats an idea i have been playing around with. If you want a normal looking speaker that sounds good, contact almost any high-end retailer. To find something with an exotic and artistic flair that still sounds great, get ready to pay out some big bucks. Maybe there is something in there, i will just have to see where this takes me.

Just remember, in 10-15 years if you see speakers called "Haunts, spectres, ghosts, etc etc, check for the "Slap" stamp on the bottom. That will mean it is by me!
Hey Slapster- I dunno where you live, but NMSU has a great engineering program that has many scholorship's available through the generosity of Paul W. Klipsch and his widow Valerie (I think the engineering school is named after Paul). I'd bet your aspirations might have some pull there. Worth looking into perhaps if you were really going for the higher education route. Not that I think that is at all necessary. I know too many self-taught geniuses, both creative and technical to ever buy into the necessity of higher education as a means to getting someplace. Besides, once you've got that Nepal apprenticeship under you belt you can bank on being a shoe-in virtually anywhere in the High-end industry. How do you think a certain very distinguished member of our A'gon ranks just got his job? He'll never tell anyone but he spent six years working on perfecting the proper mixture of natural oils for the Perch project that you will be spearheading!

Seriously, cool beans on following your passions and pursuing your dreams. I'll be looking forward to following your progress here. Hey, if you haven't read it, pick up a copy of a book called, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. A wonderful little fable about following your dreams. It's a quick and easy read along the lines of "The Little Prince". I need to give it another read....I'm in need of a boost! It's a great step you've made just writing about your intentions here. Writing something down and sharing it with others is a POWERFUL gesture! Thanks for sharing...Good'on'ya mate! Can you see the little tear welling up in the corner of my eye!!!??
