Dylan, Richards, and Waits

I just returned from a Columbia Record Co. party in New York where they previewed the upcoming release by the trio of Bob Dylan, Keith Richards and Tom Waits singing a cappella love songs. Who could ever imagine the three worst voices in music harmonizing to such exquisite perfection. Some of the tracks are classics: Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Strangers In The Night, You'll Never Walk Alone, The Sound of Music, and my favorite, In The Still Of The Night. There are a few original tracks composed by the trio: Keith Richards-She Only Loves Me After I Bathe, Bob Dylan-Who Am I, and Tom Waits-Ipecac and Roses. The cd will be titled: I Almost Styled My Hair Today.
Last night I was channel surfing and, of course, stopped on a commercial for Victoria's Secret. Bob Dylan was in the commercial. This ain't no April Fools joke either. Honest. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I look forward to seeing the whole thing at some time as I only caught a small part of it.
I saw the Dylan Victoria's Secrtet ad two days ago and I was dumbstruck. I thought he looked like he had some work done recently.
Dr. Lirpa loves this new release. He claims it will act as reference material for all his upcoming product release demonstrations.
I hope Bob isn't modelling any Victoria Secret lingerie !

By the way, can anyone comment on the latest Dylan "Bootleg Series 6: Concert at Philharmonic Hall". A solo show from, I think, 1964, with Joan Baez on a few tunes. Would especially be interested in how it rates versus the acoustic disk on his "Live 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall Concert".
I have to say as a Dylan nut that BS Vol6. Live 1964 is a slight disappointment for me.

Perhaps it's the universal 5 star reviews that had my expectation raised too high.

Don't get me wrong it's a very good concert but it lacks that vital X factor for me.
It is unique for two reasons in that Dylan banters away with the audience and the versions are pretty straight and very close to the recorded versions.

In pales beside the '66 gig but that was a completely different Bob but I have to say the acoustic material from '66 seems simply more interesting.