ear preamp

Has anyone had any experience with the EAR pre-amps? Specifically the 912 or new 868.
Anyone else heard or own the EAR 912 or 868.

I am extremely impressed with the 88PB phono stage
It's been about 4 months since last post on EAR 868. Can anyone now give comparisons or comments on the 868?
I have tested both the 912 and 868P and loved them both. I finnaly took the 868L since i own a 324P phono-stage. This 868L i own is the best pre i have ever heard and it is a true bargain. 912 linestage sounded exactly the same as the 868L. The 912s phono is a little better than the one in the 868P, maybe the transformers between phono and linestage in the 912 do that...

mybe i will sell my 868L+324P in the next weeks to get a 912 or 868P...less clutter in my rack...

just my 2cents
Bernie, I put an order for the EAR 868L to replace an ARC LS26. Can you tell me if you've heard the two compared? I like the sound of the LS26, but I get frustrated with some of the computer features built into the preamp. Do you think I would miss anything going to the 868?


I've had the EAR 868 for over a year and compared it to the AR Ref 3 and some other top flight preamps. The EAR smoked the Audio Research Ref 3 and an expensive VTL.
The EAR is a great pre but I still felt it could be a little soft and rolled in the top frequencies. I had it modified it by the Upgrade Company and it pushed it to new heights: blacker background, tighter bass, more detail, more extension in the top end. It sounds more like top notch solid state but it retained the tube warmth.
A world class preamp indeed!
Let me know if you have any other questions.
