Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....

I'm a big fan of the electraglide epiphany, and have two of them. I just purchased a set of Nagra VPA tubed monos and will need two more PC's. They will both go into a model 80A3 Isoclean power conditioner.

Obv I am partial to the EG's but i want to keep an open mind. The isoclean SuperFocus is also quite nice - maybe a bit more musical than the ultra-transparent epiphany.

I am very interested in hearing what your experience with the Kubala vs the epiphany - and no conversation about PC's would be complete without adding Purist and Elrod, so comparisons between them and the epiphany woudl also be welcome.

THANKS in advance - Art
Gentlemen, I must tell you a secret....I really REALLY like this DAC. I know it is way way way into the warm fuzzy zone for JD, but even he must admit it did piano in a most drop-dead gorgeous manner in his system. It gave the piano realistic size in his system that his Sony simply did not. And for me being an LP guy, this DAC just gets me closer to that world. And who needs the bottom and top octaves anyway! So there! So until you guys can find me a more refined digital processor with all this DAC's magic, I am keeping this gem chained to my "sofa-table" audio rack. No comment please!

As for the BestBuy transport...how the heck did he know this? We must take JD's tarot cards away from him so he will get to sleep on time!

And Guido, please no more mention of the LS2. I have enough issues with heartburn already. I have an idea: maybe we can sacrifice the BestBuy transport and the LS2 through a ceremony given by Medium MacRae.
John, to tell you the truth, I just discovered tonight why my XXX linestage is so enjoyable. . . it is not the XXXX per se, it's the Gutwire Synchrony XLR that connects it to the JRDG 7M.
I just replaced the Gutwire temporarily with a Cardas Neutral Ref, as I want to take the former along for a weekend musical trip to the Aris Audio openhouse event in Salt Lake City. When I reconnected the system I thought I had just suffered a severe brain lesion. . . nasty nasty nasty!!! The ancient spruce of strings has been replaced by plywood. All pianos are now made from particle board. Did not try any vocals. . . I am afraid of what I would find. O yes, did I mention the bass is now angry and bloated?
And there. . . my XXXX linestage is now nameless. . . . but seriously the Cardas neutral Ref ruined my entire system!
In my view the Gutwire Synchrony is a kind of unsung tube-lover's hero. . . I am looking forward toward pitting it against worthier opponents than the Neutral Ref.

How embarrassing, I never meant for you to read my comments. Of course the Manely is very manly and a must own DAC. Please forgive me, I of course was just joking around. I love your digital!!!
Hi, I was wondering if you could give your opinion of the sonic differences that you heard using the Epiphany vs the Epiphany X on the DAC or preamp (assuming you did this comparison). Thanks
Just a brief report on the major transformation of my system today with the Kubala-Sosna (K-S) Emotion cables installed throughout my system. I had the honor of JD and Joe Kubala to pay me a home visit with 7 power cords, 2 pairs ICs and a pair of speaker cables. My system has consisted of NBS Statement, PS Audio and Electraglide FatBoy power cords, NBS Statement and MIT 350 Evo ICs and NBS Statement and Coincident TRS speaker cables.

As with most cases such as this, one would simply do the entire system in one massive cable change. But Joe, JD and myself did one cable at a time....starting at the power cables into the Audio Magic power conditioner. I needed to hear for myself the changes at each component to better understand the links that would benefit the most. With each change to the Kubala-Sosna power cable, there was added clarity with small increments of silence between notes. This was on CD playback system and line stage components. The power cables on the CAT amps was quite a different refinement; this had much more to do with improved dynamic contrasts and was not subtle compared to past power cord auditioning sessions. No longer was each musician playing at the same level. And when the band all came together in one loud bash, wow, it was much louder. I was impressed.

As expected, the change of the ICs from DAC to line stage was a bigger refinement to the sound. The best way to describe the improvements was an added structure to the music. The recording's room boundaries could start to be sensed. And for the first time I felt like the music's speed had slowed down just a wee bit as if there was more space and air between the notes. This was one phenomenon I had not experienced before and was very difficult to describe. And for all you Linn/Naim fans out there, it was more than the simple label of PRaT. I had the Linn TT for 18 years and the experience today had nothing to do with a tonality shift or emphasis in the mids to give a false perception of the "timing" in the music. It was all about the incredible resolution of the system brought on by the K-S cables.

I was so overwhelmed with the improvements in definition and decays of the piano and a greater insight to the piano player's presence that I often missed the improvements in the bass rhythms and simply that the bass was due to an actual string bass player in the band. Fortunately Joe and JD asked me if I noticed the bass. And since I had not, we went back for another listen, and wow, much improvement here as well. There was so much resolution that it truly was tough to notice so much at once. And we did this over and over with each cable change. There was no need to go back to the original cable except one time to confirm the improved clarity brought on by the digital cable from the transport to the Genesis Time Lens. I use a cheapo no-name cable here and a Marigo 5.7 AES/EBU from the Genesis to the DAC and this cable is phenomenol. It would be interesting to compare this to the Kubala-Sosna as well.

Things got more difficult with the final IC from line stage to amp and the speaker cables. The MIT EVO cable and the Coincident TRS spkr cables compliment each other very well with the MIT being somewhat lean and the TRS being somewhat overly lush in the mids. To appreciate the Kubala cables in these final two links, they really had to be replaced at one time. We initially tried only swapping out the MIT but there was now much added midrange presence with the K-S. Joe was concerned that just changing out the MIT was not good enough as the TRS cables were causing the emphasized mids that the K-S cables were now bringing on due a greater neutrality than the MIT. And Joe was right on here. Putting in the K-S spkr cables, and the tonality was back in balance. My only concern was that there was a perceived change, i.e., reduction in the portrayal of the dimensionality in the music. Further listening made it difficult to pin this down but I need to further listen here. But one thing was very clear here: the K-S had a far greater extension and presence in the low-end. I had no idea what I was missing all this time. The Manley DAC can indeed dish out the bass if the rest of the system is done "right".

After changing so many cables, and listening to 3 or 4 tracks over and over and over, by 5 hours or so we were all quite mentally burned out. But it was very clear: there was so much more clarity, openness and a view into the musical performances that was quite honestly a new experience for me.

For Joe and JD to have made such an effort to demonstrate all of this for me was way beyond the call of duty. I thank you both very much. And Joe was even nice to leave me most of these cables for me to play for a week or so.

More to come.
