Electrocompaniet Nemo

Have anyone heared these amplifiers?
If you have, what did you think of them compared to others and what other equipment was in the chain?
I interested since I have a change the get a pair at a very reasonable price.

Thanks in advance

Ulrik G. Madsen
Electrocompaniet are good amps if they are working but if something happens and you send it to the distributor you may never see it again. I have a 120 and I bought it last February (2000) - it broke - out for 8 months - came back - broke again - out to this day!
ljgj, sorry to hear your problems. i've not had this problem w/my electrocompaniet equipment. i've used heinz preiss, he's in florida, wery familiar w/electro stuff, & has good turn-around time. not that i've had major problems w/the stuff - i have four of their amps & a preamp. heinz has done upgrades for me; the only repair needed was on a used amp i bought, which blew a main capacitor shortly after i got it. i figure it prolly sat around for a while prior to my purchase, as i understand this is not uncommon to happen w/amps that sit. the same thing happened to an adcom amp i put away for a while & then brought out to use as a subwoofer amp... anyway, heinz can be found here:


good luck, doug s.

Hello! I think the service is OK now. New team that has taken over the company. They looks serious to me. I then think the service will be OK , too. It was before, too, but there has been a time for take over and so on...and all what follows that for some time!
ANy new NEMO owners? I'm considering these beautiful monsters for my JBL 250 Ti's.
I have a pair of NEMOs,great amps.I use them in a bi-amped mode for the low frequency of the German Physics Loreleys.A very difficult speaker to drive,they performed better than all the amplifiers I have tried,YBA passion 1000,Bryston 7bst,Innersound KW monos,Accostic Reality 1000 monos,and the realy poor performer Classe 350 Monos.I have not listened to them at full range.They ran cool and reliably.