ElectrostatsPlaner/Ribbon s Vs Cone driv

I have owned Proacs, B&W Nautilus, Theils and others but never planers. I auditioned ML Arieus but was not taken with the musicality and the other models too big for my room. No other dealers nearby to demo Maggies, etc.
I know the general differences of the two design concepts, but I am trying to determine if there is a smallish planer design that would give nearly all the satisfaction I am getting from my BW Nautilus 805's with REL Strata Sub. In particular I would love to gain the lifesize soundstage and midrange wonder but not feel lacking by the lesser performance in high and low frequencies. I have a Levinson 331 amp and AR LS22 preamp. thanks for any experienced suggestions.
My understanding is that Apogee is no longer in business. Should I be concerned about reliability and support?
Good question, Comchenry. Apogee is out of busines. However, their products have a good life-span in my experience. Plus, being out of business, their products are underpriced in the used market. If you do need repairs, there are two people making and repairing ribbons. One of these people is an ex-Apogee employee. Find info on the speakers and repairs at: http://www.apogeespeakers.totalserve.co.uk/ and http://audioworld.com/cgibin/sw/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number=1. Between these sites, Comchenry, you will find lots on Apogees.

Apogees really are something special. And for the price they go for now, they are a bargain. Centaurs run about $400-500 commonly, and stages often less than a grand. These are great values! Having said all this, no one speaker is everything to everyone. But for the price, you can great one helluva speaker.
thanks much Doug. I was leaning towards the Maggie 1.6's but you cause me to pause for thought. How do all the good things you say about the Apogees compare to the Maggies? (considering that $2000 is about as much as I can spend)
Comcherry, funny how these things come up. This past weekend I purchased B&W dm601 s2 for my bed room system made up of leftovers, CJPV10a, Cal Audio Ikonn MKII, and Sonagraph sa125 amp. After listening over the weekend I started wondering what it would sound like if I traded them in eventually to 805's and used the new 805's and a sub to replace the ML Aerius i that I have in my main rig !!!
That is pretty interesting. Not sure I know what that says about our little hobby (obsession) and am pretty sure I don't want to know!

I did audition the Aerius and for my ears did not find it as musically involving as the B&W's. It is only because I have heard that the Maggies are more involving AND have the life size soundstage that I am considering the switch. The 805N's are really hard to fault though as they are in my system now. Take care