EMM Labs DAC6 vs. latest version dCS

Would appreciate any comments regarding the comparison of these two highly regarded units.
I just ordered the DCC2 and modded Phillips from Bill at GTT. The pair is a bit under $12k. I heard the full dCS setup as well as the Meitner setup in Bill's very fine listening room (Lamm, Tenor, Kharma), and to my ears, the Meitner sounded far more musical on both CDs and SACDs. Compared to the Meitner, the dCS sounded almost brassy. Interestingly, the Meitner upsamples (is that the word?) redbook to DSD. Whatever. Even CDs sounded much, much better on EMM Labs than on dCS. My understanding is that you must use the modded Phillips or the new EMM Labs transport; since there is no industry standard SACD digital out, Meitner (and everybody else?) uses a proprietary digital connection.

Give Bill at GTT a call; he is very cool and will take the time to talk with you even if you aren't buying (I should know; I took up many hours of Bill's valuable time over several months before I ever gave him a dime of business).
Thanks for all of your responses. I currently own dCS Purcell/Elgar without DSD and thinking to upgrade it or go to the Meitner gear.

Looking at the recording companies, quite a bit higher portion of the them are using EMM than dCS. Also the Meitner is quite a bit more feasible financially.

Txlef did your the the latest dCS with the Verdi transport. The DSD upgrade with the Verdi supposed to be substantial sonic improvements. By the way, I love the brass on the dCS.
It is very simple, 99% of all the SACD's were recorded using the EMM Labs equipment.

Every single customer of mine who has taken delivery of the DAC and transport has gone crazy over it.
It would be helpful if someone would set up a web-page.

If you use the Phillips transport, does it still play
DVD's after it is modified? Would one still want to use
it for DVD's? Can one plug a DVD player into the DAC6
and will it decode DD and DTS? If one uses the Emm Labs
Transport, will it play DVD's, or only CD and SACD's?

In an ideal world, would one rather have the modified
Phillips transport or the EMM Labs Transport?

Can you still get a Phillips transport modified if you
*can* find one?

If the DAC6 does not decode DD and DTS, then how would
you set it up in conjunction with a DVD player? Would
you still need a surround processor? What's the ideal
way to set up an EMM Labs DAC, Transport, and Switchman
for two channel music listening and also for DVD's and
HT surround sound?

Am I right in thinking that once you have the modified
Phillips player as transport, the DAC6 and the Switchman,
all you need is amps, speakers, and cable and you can play DVD's, CD's and SACD's?

How about if you use the EMM Labs transport instead,
do you still need a DVD player?

Or, after buying the DAC6, Transport, and Switchman,
do you still need a DVD player and/or surround processor
for movies?

I've got questions......