Emmylou Harris, "Red Dirt Girl"

Category: Music

When I first heard this CD,(released in 2000), on my "big rig" it sounded very good but I liked rather than loved it. Recently, I was restricted to headphones (Sennheiser 600s into SF Line 2 preamp), and when I listened to this CD it suddenly seemed much more dynamic and detailed. IMO this is a great CD, and after picking up the detail from the headphones, it now sounds much better in with my Vand. 3As, but still somewhat more congested compared to the Senn. 600s-- I think it's a room/acoustics thing along with the distinctly "processed" sound of this CD. Any comments on this one? Cheers. Craig.
Hmmm...I don't know about the actual recording (and the headphone thing). I've honestly listened to it most in the car. As far as music goes, it's a good album. Not amazing, but very solid. It's closer to "Wrecking Ball" than it is to her earlier albums, but I don't think many Emmylou fans would be disappointed. Besides...it's only one of two albums where she actually wrote the majority of the songs.
When I first listened to "wrecking ball" I thought it was an overproduced curiosity and a shame because on the few more acoustic cuts her voice, phrasing and interpretations were first rate. Just as Garfish with the 'phones, now with the new cd player, the inner detail and the wonderful balance between the bass, percussion and guitars show that Daniel Lanois is a fine producer. On my way to Amazon to order "Red Dirt Girl".
Hi Craig, I love "Red Dirt Girl" and "Wrecking Ball" but both are over procced for my taste. This will always keep them out of my top list. "Spyboy" is my favorite of Emmylous'. The bass is amazing on "Spyboy", a great woffer test. J.D.
Garfish Spyboy is on my favorite disc list and is always kept "handy" I don't own Wrecking ball would you guys rate it vs Spyboy if possible.
Hi Sol322, I would put "Spysoy" #1, "Red Dirt Girl" #2 and "Wrecking Ball" #3. My problem is I owened Spyboy prior to Wrecking ball and I like the Spyboy versions better. So my opinion might not be the best to use. Of course I had no problem sharing it though! J.D.