Esoteric K-03 or K-01

After many reads and auditions I am ready to pull a trigger on esoterik K-03 player. I also have the opportunity to get a new K-01 for a great price, but without being able to audition it and still a few $$$ more, so it is dificault to commit to.

Those who had a chance to hear/have both players, how much K-01 is better than k-03?

May be for my system K-03 will do fine and K-01 is overkill?

I intend to run Esoteric player direct to amplifier, how much K-01 may sound better direct to amplifier in compare with K-03?

My speakers are Marten Django XL that driven by ML # 532H.
Thank you.
Denon1, thinking about it, there may be long term advantages in going with a pure K-01 without pre... While initially the sound may not be at the same level as K-03+C-03, you can add a pre like the C-03 at a later stage, and at that point you would exceed the performance of K-03+C-03 without the financial hit of selling a depreciated K-03..

By the way, both K-03 and K-01 are quite sensitive to the benefits of an external clock, which is something that you can add at a later time.

I would definitely agree with Guido. I have a recent K-03 in my office (a bit of overkill for an office system, I know) running through a Melody integrated. The sound is amazing. Having said that, I have also demoed the K-01 and it is in a different league as far as capabilities and sonics are concerned. If my APL NWO-Master ever blows up at home, the K-01 as well as P-02/D-02 are on the "short list".

Guido- long time, no talk! I'll be at Axpono in March - maybe see you there?

Fplanner, thank you for the advice, what a great system you have. Do you think K-01 will not be overkill for my modest system?
Marten Django XL speakers, mark Levinson 532h amp, all cables from hi diamonds HD XLR 3, HD 8 speaker cables and P3 power cords.
Thanks Denon1. The K-01 will sound great through the XLR 3s and the rest of your system will just come alive. It is absolutely not overkill - you will be amazed at what comes out of your "modest" system. Future upgrade path would include a preamp and P-4 pc on the K-01.
BTW, Guido is an excellent source of K-01 guidance if you choose to get one.
"BTW, Guido is an excellent source of K-01 guidance if you choose to get one."

