I am looking for an SACD player with great redbook as well.
My price range is $5000.00 with a $7500.00 maximum. It seems nearly impossible to hear the Esoteric X-03 along
with the Ayre C5XE. I'd prefer to buy after hearing both together. Has anybody out there heard the two together, or
personally owns either and can venture their opinion as to the quality of sound that each produces?
Before purchasing my X03 I asked a very respected designer in the busines his opinion.He said the Lexicon was the best. But he had concerns about build quality and the dependability of a small company.
I would agree that some digital players can present a different sonic character compared to the Esoteric UX-3, but that does NOT necessarily means they would sound better to all consumers.

When it comes to a digital player, some of the most important things are enclosure built quality (to reduce vibrations), power supply, clocking and MOST important - the digital transport inside.

Nothing in current existence comes even remotely close to the Esoteric's VRDS-NEO transports. What they have done is a TRUE piece of mechanical ART. It is 5 times bigger and 20 times heavier than any conventional transport (read disc spinning mechanism), there are no vibrations whatsoever and the entire design ensures the best possible/achievable error-free disc reading. Esoteric’s VRDS-NEO is simply light years ahead compared to anything else.

Alex, If ya got time to post on Audiogon, I figure ya have time to call me, I have been waiting for a couple months now.
Hi Steve , Alex is very busy organizing his new OEM business and launching a full of new and exciting products as well as completing orders .He has turned over customer service to me and all inquiries now are routed through me thus his non responsiveness to your personal e mails and calls. Please contact me for anything anytime via e mail or telephone as I am here for you and all Apl Hi Fi customers . I speak with Alex daily and can answer your questions in detail quickly. Brent Rainwater CSM Apl Hi Fi