I am looking for an SACD player with great redbook as well.
My price range is $5000.00 with a $7500.00 maximum. It seems nearly impossible to hear the Esoteric X-03 along
with the Ayre C5XE. I'd prefer to buy after hearing both together. Has anybody out there heard the two together, or
personally owns either and can venture their opinion as to the quality of sound that each produces?
(I wonder if the used market on 'gon is any indication of an equipments performance. Case in point, there's quite a few Esoteric's being sold in the used market and almost none of the C5xe or Ayre equipment for that matter. The assumption I have about this observation is that C5xe owners are happier and are keeping their equipment compared to Esoteric owners who are selling their equipment who might have had failed expectations or feel they can do better with another equipment.) Maybe Esoteric just sales allot more players?. Plus Teac is not as picky on there dealers as ayre sow there is a lot more Esoteric dealers. just a thought. Golfish. :) The ESOTERIC X-03 would be my choice.
Golfish, I had the wonderful opportunity of auditioning the C5xe and the X-03 side by side with Brooks Berdan himself when he was considering which, if either line he would carry. The C5xe was chosen independently by us both so I bought one and he chose to carry it over the Esoteric. Not because the X-03 was inferior but because the C5xe had the more analog sound. I think that is because the Ayre rarely "upsamples" the signal so it is less processed. But you could hardly go wrong with either player. It is (surprise surprise) a matter of taste.
I own the C5 and think it is outstanding. The real surprise of this unit is its ability to make Redbooks sound so good. I have many Redbooks that sound better than SACD or AudioDVD. I've compared the sound of my VPI Sig with Benz Ebony and often the CD is even better sounding. One caveat... the Ayre is very picky about scratched CD's - simply won't play them properly (skips, etc). I burn a fresh copy from the "bad" one which works well again.
Ayre C-5xe is the best digital player that I have heard in my twenty years audio life.
I totally agree with Sylinnian. I had a DV-50, and had it modded by Refrence Audio Mods. It was better, but when I borrowed an Ayre C5XE, it simply blew the DV-50 away. I am impressed with its performance on every digital audio format, and am really pleased with its "redbook" standard CD playback. Another thing I have not heard mentioned is its ability to deal with "problem discs". It has played such discs flawlessly, including some that would skip tracks, or make static-like noises on certain passages. It is simply a great universal player, and quite unique. I wonder why is is so rarely discussed in this forum.